StressStimulus stress testing tool

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 04 Μαρτίου 11 05:55 μμ | spantos 

If you ever created a professional website/application you’ll probably know the value (you’ve probably learned it the hard way as I did Smile) of stress testing your web applications.

There are plenty of tools you can use in order to stress test your web site, ranging from Microsoft Visual Studio to CMD Line tools. Yesterday I found another one StresStimulus.

StresStimulus is an extension for Fiddler (an awesome and free web debugging proxy) which enables us to create instant load tests with virtual users.


You can record a browser activity (like creating a user), replay it under concurrent load and get the results for the performance of web pages and the entire test.

If you prefer a simple but powerful tool this one is for you.

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