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float to word

Îåêßíçóå áðü ôï ìÝëïò Bill . Τελευταία δημοσίευση από το μέλος Bill στις 23-09-2011, 12:34. Υπάρχουν 0 απαντήσεις.
Ταξινόμηση Δημοσιεύσεων: Προηγούμενο Επόμενο
  •  23-09-2011, 12:34 67475

    float to word

    Παιδιά θέλω να κάνω ένα function το οποίο να εισάγω έναν δεκαδικό αριθμό και να μου επιστρέφει ολογραφώς το ποσό
    πχ 200.30 να μου επιστρέφει --> διακόσια ευρώ και 30 λεπτά

    Βρήκα έτοιμο το παρακάτω και το μετατρέπω αλλά αν εχει κανεις κάτι καλύτερο ....

    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[Currency_ToWords] (
    	@Input Numeric (38, 3) -- Input number with as many as 18 digits
    ) RETURNS VARCHAR(8000) 
    * Converts a integer number as large as 34 digits into the 
    * equivalent words.  The first letter is capitalized.
    * Attribution: Based on NumberToWords by Srinivas Sampath
    *        as revised by Nick Barclay
    * Example:
    select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (1234567890) + CHAR(10)
          +  dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (0) + CHAR(10)
          +  dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (123) + CHAR(10)
    select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(76543210987654321098765432109876543210)
    DECLARE @i numeric (38,0)
    SET @i = 0
    WHILE @I <= 1000 BEGIN 
        PRINT convert (char(5), @i)  
                + convert(varchar(255), dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(@i)) 
        SET @I  = @i + 1 
    * Published as the T-SQL UDF of the Week Vol 2 #9 2/17/03
    Declare @Number Numeric(38,0)
    set @Number = @Input
    Declare @Cents as int
    set @Cents = 100*Convert(money,(@Input - convert(Numeric(38,3),@Number)))
    DECLARE @inputNumber VARCHAR(38)
    DECLARE @NumbersTable TABLE (number CHAR(2), word VARCHAR(10))
    DECLARE @outputString VARCHAR(8000)
    DECLARE @length INT
    DECLARE @counter INT
    DECLARE @loops INT
    DECLARE @position INT
    DECLARE @chunk CHAR(3) -- for chunks of 3 numbers
    DECLARE @tensones CHAR(2)
    DECLARE @hundreds CHAR(1)
    DECLARE @tens CHAR(1)
    DECLARE @ones CHAR(1)
    IF @Number = 0 Return 'Zero'
    -- initialize the variables
    SELECT @inputNumber = CONVERT(varchar(38), @Number)
         , @outputString = ''
         , @counter = 1
    SELECT @length   = LEN(@inputNumber)
         , @position = LEN(@inputNumber) - 2
         , @loops    = LEN(@inputNumber)/3
    -- make sure there is an extra loop added for the remaining numbers
    IF LEN(@inputNumber) % 3 <> 0 SET @loops = @loops + 1
    -- insert data for the numbers and words
    INSERT INTO @NumbersTable   SELECT '00', ''
        UNION ALL SELECT '01', 'one'      UNION ALL SELECT '02', 'two'
        UNION ALL SELECT '03', 'three'    UNION ALL SELECT '04', 'four'
        UNION ALL SELECT '05', 'five'     UNION ALL SELECT '06', 'six'
        UNION ALL SELECT '07', 'seven'    UNION ALL SELECT '08', 'eight'
        UNION ALL SELECT '09', 'nine'     UNION ALL SELECT '10', 'ten'
        UNION ALL SELECT '11', 'eleven'   UNION ALL SELECT '12', 'twelve'
        UNION ALL SELECT '13', 'thirteen' UNION ALL SELECT '14', 'fourteen'
        UNION ALL SELECT '15', 'fifteen'  UNION ALL SELECT '16', 'sixteen'
        UNION ALL SELECT '17', 'seventeen' UNION ALL SELECT '18', 'eighteen'
        UNION ALL SELECT '19', 'nineteen' UNION ALL SELECT '20', 'twenty'
        UNION ALL SELECT '30', 'thirty'   UNION ALL SELECT '40', 'forty'
        UNION ALL SELECT '50', 'fifty'    UNION ALL SELECT '60', 'sixty'
        UNION ALL SELECT '70', 'seventy'  UNION ALL SELECT '80', 'eighty'
        UNION ALL SELECT '90', 'ninety'   
    WHILE @counter <= @loops BEGIN
    	-- get chunks of 3 numbers at a time, padded with leading zeros
    	SET @chunk = RIGHT('000' + SUBSTRING(@inputNumber, @position, 3), 3)
    	IF @chunk <> '000' BEGIN
    		SELECT @tensones = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 2, 2)
    		     , @hundreds = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 1, 1)
    		     , @tens = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 2, 1)
    		     , @ones = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 3, 1)
    		-- If twenty or less, use the word directly from @NumbersTable
    		IF CONVERT(INT, @tensones) <= 20 OR @Ones='0' BEGIN
    			SET @outputString = (SELECT word 
                                          FROM @NumbersTable 
                                          WHERE @tensones = number)
                       + CASE @counter WHEN 1 THEN '' -- No name
                           WHEN 2 THEN ' thousand ' WHEN 3 THEN ' million '
                           WHEN 4 THEN ' billion '  WHEN 5 THEN ' trillion '
                           WHEN 6 THEN ' quadrillion ' WHEN 7 THEN ' quintillion '
                           WHEN 8 THEN ' sextillion '  WHEN 9 THEN ' septillion '
                           WHEN 10 THEN ' octillion '  WHEN 11 THEN ' nonillion '
                           WHEN 12 THEN ' decillion '  WHEN 13 THEN ' undecillion '
                           ELSE '' END
                                   + @outputString
    		 ELSE BEGIN -- break down the ones and the tens separately
                 SET @outputString = ' ' 
                                + (SELECT word 
                                        FROM @NumbersTable 
                                        WHERE @tens + '0' = number)
    					         + '-'
                                 + (SELECT word 
                                        FROM @NumbersTable 
                                        WHERE '0'+ @ones = number)
                       + CASE @counter WHEN 1 THEN '' -- No name
                           WHEN 2 THEN ' thousand ' WHEN 3 THEN ' million '
                           WHEN 4 THEN ' billion '  WHEN 5 THEN ' trillion '
                           WHEN 6 THEN ' quadrillion ' WHEN 7 THEN ' quintillion '
                           WHEN 8 THEN ' sextillion '  WHEN 9 THEN ' septillion '
                           WHEN 10 THEN ' octillion '  WHEN 11 THEN ' nonillion '
                           WHEN 12 THEN ' decillion '   WHEN 13 THEN ' undecillion '
                           ELSE '' END
                                + @outputString
    		-- now get the hundreds
    		IF @hundreds <> '0' BEGIN
    			SET @outputString  = (SELECT word 
                                          FROM @NumbersTable 
                                          WHERE '0' + @hundreds = number)
    					            + ' hundred ' 
                                    + @outputString
    	SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
    	     , @position = @position - 3
    -- Remove any double spaces
    SET @outputString = LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(@outputString, '  ', ' ')))
    SET @outputstring = UPPER(LEFT(@outputstring, 1)) + SUBSTRING(@outputstring, 2, 8000)
    RETURN UPPER(@outputString) + ' DOLLARS & ' +convert(Varchar(20),@Cents) + '/100 CENTS'-- return the result

    select DATEDIFF(dd,GetDate(),'20140731') AS EΠΟΜΕΝΕΣ_ΔΙΑΚΟΠΕΣ
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