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Πως μπορούμε να έχουμε μία φόρμα με Shape απο εικόνα!!! Χρήσιμο Class

Îåêßíçóå áðü ôï ìÝëïò plavidas. Τελευταία δημοσίευση από το μέλος plavidas στις 11-06-2005, 21:36. Υπάρχουν 0 απαντήσεις.
Ταξινόμηση Δημοσιεύσεων: Προηγούμενο Επόμενο
  •  11-06-2005, 21:36 2682

    Cool [H] Πως μπορούμε να έχουμε μία φόρμα με Shape απο εικόνα!!! Χρήσιμο Class

    Μπαίνω κατευθείαν στο ψητό...

    Καταρχήν θα πρέπει να δημιουργήσουμε μία Class.
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    ο δεύτερος [<:o)]
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    Την κλάσης την καλούμε απλά
    Κάνουμε Declaration τη φόρμα μας:
    Private myForm As New BitmapShaπedForm

    και στο Page Load της φόρμας βάζουμε τα εξής:

    With myForm
          .ScanBitmap(Application.StartupPath() & "\..\MyBitmap.bmp")
    End With

    Ελπίζω να μη γίνω κουραστικός...

    Imports System.Drawing
    Public Class BitmapShapedForm

    Region " Declarations "

        Private myRegion As Region

        Private myBitmap As Bitmap


    #End Region


    #Region " Public Properties "


        Public ReadOnly Property GetScannedBitmapRegion() As Region


            ' Return the region.



                Return myRegion

            End Get


        End Property


        Public ReadOnly Property GetScannedBitmap() As Bitmap


            ' Return the bitmap.



                Return myBitmap

            End Get


        End Property


    #End Region


    #Region " Public Methods "


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyScannedBitmapRegion(ByRef theForm As Form)


            theForm.Region = myRegion.Clone()


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyScannedBitmapRegion(ByRef theRegion As Region)


            theRegion = myRegion.Clone()


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyScannedBitmap(ByRef theBitmap As Bitmap)


            theBitmap = myBitmap


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyScannedBitmap(ByRef theForm As Form)


            theForm.BackgroundImage = myBitmap


        End Sub


        Public Sub SetFormToScannedBitmapSize(ByRef theForm As Form)


            theForm.Height = myBitmap.Height

            theForm.Width = myBitmap.Width


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ScanBitmap(ByVal theBitmapFile As String)

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            If Not (aBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                _ScanBitmap(aBitmap, aBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0))

            End If


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ScanBitmap(ByVal theBitmapFile As String, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color)

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            If Not (aBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                _ScanBitmap(aBitmap, theTransparentColor)

            End If


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ScanBitmap(ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap)


            If Not (theBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                _ScanBitmap(theBitmap, theBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0))

            End If


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ScanBitmap(ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color)


            If Not (theBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                _ScanBitmap(theBitmap, theTransparentColor)

            End If


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ScanBitmap(ByVal theForm As Form, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color)


            If Not (theForm.BackgroundImage Is Nothing) Then

                _ScanBitmap(theForm.BackgroundImage, theTransparentColor)

            End If


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub SetFormBitmapSize(ByRef theForm As Form, ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap)


            theForm.Height = theBitmap.Height

            theForm.Width = theBitmap.Width


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub SetFormBitmapSize(ByRef theForm As Form, ByVal theBitmapFile As String)

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            theForm.Height = aBitmap.Height

            theForm.Width = aBitmap.Width


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub SetFormBitmapSize(ByRef theForm As Size, ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap)


            theForm.Height = theBitmap.Height

            theForm.Width = theBitmap.Width


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub SetFormBitmapSize(ByRef theForm As Size, ByVal theBitmapFile As String)

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            theForm.Height = aBitmap.Height

            theForm.Width = aBitmap.Width


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyBitmapFile(ByRef theForm As Form, ByVal theBitmapFile As String)

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            theForm.BackgroundImage = aBitmap


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyBitmapFile(ByRef theBitmap As Bitmap, ByVal theBitmapFile As String)


            theBitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyBitmap(ByRef theOldBitmap As Bitmap, ByRef theNewBitmap As Bitmap)


            theOldBitmap = theNewBitmap


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyBitmap(ByRef theForm As Form, ByRef theBitmap As Bitmap)


            theForm.BackgroundImage = theBitmap


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyRegion(ByRef theForm As Form, ByRef theRegion As Region)


            theForm.Region = theRegion


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Sub ApplyRegion(ByRef theOldRegion As Region, ByRef theNewRegion As Region)


            theOldRegion = theNewRegion


        End Sub


        Public Overloads Function GetBitmapRegion(ByVal theBitmapFile As String) As Region

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            If Not (aBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                Return _GetBitmapRegion(aBitmap, aBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0))

            End If


        End Function


        Public Overloads Function GetBitmapRegion(ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap) As Region


            If Not (theBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                Return _GetBitmapRegion(theBitmap, theBitmap.GetPixel(0, 0))

            End If


        End Function


        Public Overloads Function GetBitmapRegion(ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color) As Region


            If Not (theBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                Return _GetBitmapRegion(theBitmap, theTransparentColor)

            End If


        End Function


        Public Overloads Function GetBitmapRegion(ByVal theBitmapFile As String, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color) As Region

            Dim aBitmap As Bitmap = _LoadBitmapFile(theBitmapFile)


            If Not (aBitmap Is Nothing) Then

                Return _GetBitmapRegion(aBitmap, theTransparentColor)

            End If


        End Function


        Public Overloads Function GetBitmapRegion(ByVal theForm As Form, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color) As Region


            If Not (theForm.BackgroundImage Is Nothing) Then

                Return _GetBitmapRegion(theForm.BackgroundImage, theTransparentColor)

            End If


        End Function


    #End Region


    #Region " Private Methods "


        Private Sub _ScanBitmap(ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color)



            ' Scan the specified bitmap and create a region.


            If theBitmap Is Nothing Then Exit Sub


            Dim aBackColor As Color = theTransparentColor

            Dim aHeight As Integer = theBitmap.Height - 1

            Dim aWidth As Integer = theBitmap.Width

            Dim aRow As Integer

            Dim aCol As Integer


            myBitmap = theBitmap

            myRegion = New Region(New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0))


            For aRow = 0 To aHeight

                Dim aStartCol As Integer = -1

                Dim aStopCol As Integer = -1


                For aCol = 0 To aWidth

                    If aCol = aWidth Then

                        If aStartCol <> -1 Then

                            aStopCol = aCol


                            Dim regUnion As New Region(New Rectangle(aStartCol, aRow, aStopCol - aStartCol, 1))


                            regUnion = Nothing

                        End If


                        If Not theBitmap.GetPixel(aCol, aRow).Equals(aBackColor) Then

                            If aStartCol = -1 Then aStartCol = aCol

                        ElseIf theBitmap.GetPixel(aCol, aRow).Equals(aBackColor) Then

                            If aStartCol <> -1 Then

                                aStopCol = aCol


                                Dim regUnion As New Region(New Rectangle(aStartCol, aRow, aStopCol - aStartCol, 1))


                                regUnion = Nothing


                                aStartCol = -1

                                aStopCol = -1

                            End If

                        End If

                    End If



        End Sub


        Private Function _GetBitmapRegion(ByVal theBitmap As Bitmap, ByVal theTransparentColor As Color) As Region

            Dim aLocalReg As Region


            If theBitmap Is Nothing Then Return aLocalReg


            Dim aBackColor As Color = theTransparentColor

            Dim aHeight As Integer = theBitmap.Height - 1

            Dim aWidth As Integer = theBitmap.Width

            Dim aRow As Integer

            Dim aCol As Integer


            aLocalReg = New Region(New Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0))


            For aRow = 0 To aHeight

                Dim aStartCol As Integer = -1

                Dim aStopCol As Integer = -1


                For aCol = 0 To aWidth

                    If aCol = aWidth Then

                        If aStartCol <> -1 Then

                            aStopCol = aCol


                            Dim regUnion As New Region(New Rectangle(aStartCol, aRow, aStopCol - aStartCol, 1))


                            regUnion = Nothing

                        End If


                        If Not theBitmap.GetPixel(aCol, aRow).Equals(aBackColor) Then

                            If aStartCol = -1 Then aStartCol = aCol

                        ElseIf theBitmap.GetPixel(aCol, aRow).Equals(aBackColor) Then

                            If aStartCol <> -1 Then

                                aStopCol = aCol

                                Dim regUnion As New Region(New Rectangle(aStartCol, aRow, aStopCol - aStartCol, 1))


                                regUnion = Nothing

                                aStartCol = -1

                                aStopCol = -1

                            End If

                        End If

                    End If



            Return aLocalReg

        End Function


        Private Function _LoadBitmapFile(ByVal theBitmapFile As String) As Bitmap


            Return Bitmap.FromFile(theBitmapFile)


        End Function


    #End Region


    End Class

    Παναγιώτης Λαβίδας
    Software Developer

    Παναγιώτης Λαβίδας
    Software Developer
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