Xaf Models Xaf Models and again Xaf Models

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 23 Αυγούστου 10 02:02 μμ | tolisss 
This is a sneak peek for eXpand v10. Now it is possible to have multiple models per module as shown in the pic bellow The question is how the use them ? I will say a few words about current approaches. First of all your adiitional models should have Embedded Resource as Build Action Design Time you could use eXpand Model Editor that is based on Devexpress standalone editor. (See here more info about it here) Now when you hit enter or double click an entry in that list the standalone editor will open up and will compine all models but will add as lastlayer the selected one thus forcing model editor to display that model as diffs (bold), and of course when you save is going to use the selected resource file as well. Another question will be how to support child

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