Some of the Windows Live platform folks have put together "Live in a Box," a set of easy step-by-step tutorials and hands on labs to help you get started building on the Windows Live Platform. It's posted on CodePlex (Microsoft's open source project hosting web site) as they are not only looking for folks to use it, but also for people to provide feedback and join the team moving the project forward.  So, use it to get you up to speed on Windows Live technologies and be sure to leave feedback to the team. And if you want, join the project!

Dowload the "box" and learn to use:

  • Live Search APIs
  • Virtual Earth (mapping) APIs
  • Messenger Activity APIs
  • Web Gadgets
  • Windows Live Contacts Control
  • WPF/e ( a new technology for delivering annimation, graphis, audio and video on the Web)

(Note: You will need to have IIS installed/turned on in order to install the Live in a Box package. )