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A nice change I noticed today is that VMDepot images are now visible in the Windows Azure Portal. If you to Virtual Machines You’ll see an option that says “Browse VMDepot” If you click it, you get the list of the image already in the VM Depot:   You can select one and create a virtual [...]
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VM Depot allows users to build, deploy and share their favorite Linux configuration, create custom open source stacks, work with others and build new architectures for the cloud that leverage the openness and flexibility of the Azure platform. How it works All images shared via this catalog are open for interaction where other users of [...]
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What is Windows AzureConf On November 14, 2012, Microsoft will be hosting Windows AzureConf, a free event for the Windows Azure community. This event will feature a keynote presentation by Scott Guthrie, along with numerous sessions executed by Windows Azure community members. Streamed live for an online audience on Channel 9, the event will allow [...]
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It’s a short post but worth it! It’s live, Windows Azure WebSites are now running with support for .NET Framework 4.5. As this is an in-place upgrade from 4.0 to 4.5 don’t expect anything breaking or things not working but make sure you test your stuff before you upload. Everything targeting 4.0 should still work as [...]
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I accessed the portal today and a nice surprise was waiting for me. Among other improvements that I either didn’t spot yet or they are not visible to us (backend changes) they were two new very welcome changes: 1) Service bus can now be managed from the new portal! Under the “App Services” category, you can now [...]
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Windows Azure Web Sites (WAWS) is a powerful hosting platform provided by Microsoft on Windows Azure. One of the coolest features is that you can run your Web Sites/Web Apps pretty easily and it’s not limited to ASP.NET but it also supports PHP. Also on database level it’s not only SQL databases (MSSQL) that are [...]
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Windows Azure Trust Center was released to the public and it contains valuable information about security and privacy on the platform. You can find details about what kind of certificates the platform holds and generally why and how the platform is secure, handles data and respects privacy. All that information applies to Windows Azure core services … Continue reading »
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There is a common error sometimes when you try to start and debug a web site/web app on the Windows Azure Emulator that it’s caused for a couple of reasons that I will explain below. The error message is “There was an error attaching the debuger to the IIS worker process for URL <THE_URL> …”. Reason … Continue reading »
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Continuing on where I left it on my previous post, I’m going to explain how the Announcement service works and why we choose that approach. The way JBoss and mod_proxy work now is that every time something changes in the topology, either a new proxy is added or removed or a JBoss node, then the proxy [...]
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I’m going to start a series of posts to explain how we made JBoss run on Windows Azure, not just on standalone mode but with full cluster support. Let me start with one simple definition, I’m NOT a Java guy, but I work with some very talented people under the same roof and under the [...]
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Today Windows Azure SDK 1.5 and Windows Azure AppFabric SDK 1.5 were released, fixing issues and bugs detected during the beta. There are also some new enhancements to it: Re-architected emulator, which enables higher fidelity between local and cloud developments. Support for uploading service certificates in csupload.exe. A new csencrypt.exe tool to manage remote desktop [...]
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Amazon announced the AWS Free Usage Tier (http://aws.amazon.com/free/) last week, which will start from November the 1st. I know some people are excited about this announcement and so am I because I believe that competition between cloud providers always brings better service for the customer, but in Amazon's case, it's more like a marketing trick than a real benefit and I'll explain why during this post. Let me remind you at this point that this is strictly a personal opinion. Let me also say that I have experience on AWS too.

Certainly, having something free to start with is always nice, but what exactly is free and how does it compare to Windows Azure platform? First of all, Windows Azure has a similar free startup offer, called Introductory special which gives you free compute hours, storage space and transactions, a SQL Azure web instance, AppFabric connections and ACL transactions, free traffic (inbound and outbound), all at some limit of course. Then there is the BizSpark program, which gives you also a very generous package of Windows Azure Platform benefits to start developing on and of course let's not forget the MSDN Subscription Windows Azure offer which is even more buffed up than the others.

Ok, I promised the Amazon part, so here it is. AWS billing model is different from Windows Azure. It's very detailed, a lot of things are broken into smaller pieces, each one of them being billed in a different way. Some facts:

  • Load balancing in EC2 instances, it's not free. Not only you pay compute hours but you're also charged for traffic (GB) that went through your balancer. Windows Azure load balancing is just there and it just works and of course you don't pay compute hours and traffic just for that.
  • On EBS you're charged for every read and write you do (I/O), charged for the amount of space you use, snapshot size counts not in the total but on its own and you're also charged per snapshot operation (Get or Put). On Windows Azure Storage you have 2 things. Transactions and amount of space you consume. Also on snapshots only your DELTA (differences) is counted against your total, not the whole snapshot.
  • SimpleDB is charged per machine hour* consumed and GBs of storage. Windows Azure Tables you only pay your storage and transactions. You might say that I have to compare this to S3, but I don't agree. S3 is not close to Windows Azure Tables as SimpleDB is. What is even more disturbing on S3 is the fact that there is a durability guarantee of 99.99% which actually means you can lose (!!) data of 0.01%.
  • There is no RDS instance (based on MySQL) included in the free tier. With introductory special you get a SQL Azure Web database (1GB) for 3 months or for as long as you have a valid subscription when you're using the MSDN Windows Azure Offer where you actually get 3 databases.

For me, the biggest difference is the development experience. Windows Azure offers a precise local emulation of the cloud environment on your development machine, called DevFabric which ships with Windows Azure Tools for VS2008/VS2010. All you have to do, is click F5 on your Cloud project and you get the local emulation on your machine, to test, debug and prepare for the deployment. Amazon doesn't offer this kind of development environment. There is integration with Eclipse and other IDEs but every time you hit the Debug button, you're actually hitting real web services with your credentials, consuming from your free tier and as soon as you're done consuming that you start paying to develop and debug. Free tier is more like a "development tier" for me. Windows Azure offers you both, the development experience you expect without any cost on your local machine with DevFabric and a development experience on the real cloud environment where you can deploy and test  your application also without any cost, unless of course you consume your free allowance.

Some may say you can't compare AWS to Windows Azure, because they are not the same. AWS is mostly IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and Windows Azure is PaaS (Platform as a Service) and I couldn't agree more. But what I'm comparing here are features that already exist on both services. I'm not comparing EC2 instances sizes to Windows Azure instances sizes but I'm comparing the Load Balancing, SimpleDB etc.

* Machine hour is a different concept to compute hour and it's beyond the scope of this post.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment.


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Once again, Microsoft proved that it values its customers, either big enterprise or small startups. We’re a small private-held business and I personally have a major role in it as I’m one of the founders. Recently, I’ve been giving some pretty nice presentations and a bunch of sessions for Microsoft Hellas about Windows Azure and Cloud computing in general.

I was using my CTP account(s) I have since PDC 08 and I had a lot of services running there from times to times all for demo purposes. But with the 2nd commercial launch wave, Greece was included and I had to upgrade my subscription and start paying for it. I was ok with that, because MSDN Premium subscription has 750 hours included/month, SQL Azure databases and other stuff included for free. I went through the upgrade process from CTP to Paid, everything went smoothly and there I was waiting for my CTP account to switch on read-only mode and eventually “fade away”. So, during that process, I did a small mistake. I miscalculated my instances running. I actually missed some. That turned out to be a mistake that will cost me some serious money for show-case/marketing/demoing projects running on Windows Azure.

About two weeks ago, I had an epiphany during the day and I was like “Oh, crap.. Did I turned that project off? How many instance do I have running?”. I logged on the billing portal and, sadly for me, I was charged like 4500 hours because of the forgotten instances and my miscalculation. You see, I’ve did a demo about switch between instance sizes and I had some instances running like big VMs. That’s four (4) times the price per hour.

It was clearly my mistake and I had to pay for it (literally!). But then I tweeted my bad luck to help others avoid the same mistake and the thing I was been warning my clients all this time and some people from Microsoft got interested in my situation, I explained what happened and we ended up in a pretty good deal just 3 days after I tweeted. But, that was an exception and certainly DON’T count on it.

Bottom line is be careful and plan correctly. Mistakes do happen but the more careful we are, the more rare they will be.

* I want to publicly say thank you to anyone who was involved in this and helped me sort things out so quickly.


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Every single time something new emerges in the IT market, there are three distinct categories of people: Early adopters, Late majority, Skeptics. Each one of them has its own reasons and its own concerns about when, why and if they are going to adapt to this new technology, either completely or in a hybrid mode.

All of them have some things in common. They share the same concerns about security, billing, taxes, availability, latency and probably some others.

Concerns and my thoughts.

Billing is something that can easily be solved and explained by clever and good marketing. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as local billing. Cloud computing services are truly global and the same billing model, the same prices, the same billing methods have to be used to provide a fair and consistent service to every customer. This has to change. For some markets, a service can be really cheap, but for some others can be really expensive. Increasing the price in some countries and decreasing in some others can make the service more fair and more adoptable. Using a credit card to identify the country is a good method, but there is a problem. It’s called taxes.

Taxes is a way for a government to make money. In many countries, Greece being one of them, having a credit card with a decent limit it’s a privilege. Unfortunately I mean it in a bad way. Interest is quite high and with such an unstable tax policy you can never be sure if there won’t be any extra fees you might have to pay sooner or later. But I guess this is not only our problem but for some other countries too, mostly emerging markets. Providing another way of paying monthly fees for service usage, can easily overcome this.

Security. Oh yes, security. Countless questions during presentations and chats are about security. Tons of “what if”. Yes, it’s a big issue. But too much skepticism is never good. I believe people are not worried about security issues like data leakage/stolen/etc. There are worried because they somehow lose control of their information. At least this is what they believe. The idea that their data are not stored in their own hardware but somewhere else and not even in the same country, terrifies them. I’m not sure if there is anything that can be done to subdue this concern but at least, there can be some localized data centers for example, banks were regulatory laws demand data to be stored in the same country, if not on-premises owned by the bank. Private cloud could probably meet those regulations.

Latency. That’s an easy one. Its principal is the same as security. My data are over there and there might be a significant latency until I get a response. Yes there is a delay no it’s not that big, probably somewhere between 60 to 100 ms. For applications that are not real time, this is really really low. You can even play shoot’em’up games with 100ms latency. The only thing we can do, is have a requirement for a decent DSL line from our customers in case our application, locally installed, is accessing a cloud service. Also picking the right region to deploy our application can have a significant impact on latency.

Availability. People are worried about their data not being available when most needed. The further their data are, the more points of failure. Their internet line, their ISP line, a ship cutting some cables 4000km away. Most, if not all, cloud service providers provide 3 or 4 “nines” of uptime and availability, but there are a lot of examples of services failing from unpredicted code or human errors (eg Google). Other companies have proved more trustworthy and more reliable.


Concluding this post, I want to make something clear. I’m not part of those distinct groups of people. I started playing with cloud computing services right after Amazon removed beta label from its AWS service, back in 2008 (April if I recall correct), with Windows Azure following at PDC ‘08. I had my first token back then and started playing with it. I’ve seen Windows Azure shape and change within those two years in something amazing and really ground breaking. Windows Azure can successfully lower or even eliminate your concerns in some of the matters discussed above, but there is room from improvement and always will be. I’m going to dig a little deeper on those matters and try to provide more concrete answers and thoughts.

Thank you for reading so far,


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Recently at MSDN Forums there were people asking how they can detect if their web application is running on the cloud or locally (Dev Storage). Well besides the obvious part, if you have code inside a Web Role or a Worker Role Start() method, this only exists on a cloud template but what if you want to make that check somewhere else, for example inside a Page_Load method or inside a library (dll)?

If you’re trying to detect it on the “UI” level, let’s say Page_Load, you can simply check your headers. Request.Headers["Host"] will do the trick. If it’s “localhost” or whatever you like it to be to can be used to determine if it’s running local.

But how about a Library? Are there any alternatives?

Well, it’s not the most bullet proof method, but it served me well until now and I don’t think it’s going to stop working as it’s a fundamental architecture element of Windows Azure. There are specific Environment properties that are raising a SecurityException as you’re not allowed to read them. One of them is MachineName. So, if Environment.MachineName is raising an exception then you’re probably running on the cloud. As I said it’s not bullet proof because if an IT administrator applies a CAS that restricts specific properties, it can still raise an exception but you get my point. A combination of tricks can give you the desired result.


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