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Όλες οι Ετικέτε... » ClipFlair » Filesystem   (RSS)
  • HowTo: Drop files onto Silverlight controls

    I was recently adding drop-files support to ClipFlair Studio, so I had to do some research on the related API that is available to Silverlight apps. Silverlight supports a limited set of Drag-and-Drop interaction with the operating system (supposedly for security reasons, but most probably because of the classic cross-platform implementation ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Μαρτίου 27, 2014
  • HowTo: Bind ASP.net control to list of files or folders

    At from ClipFlair Gallery metadata input pages for Activities and Clips I had to bind an ASP.net control to a list of files and folders respectively and although I found a Folder Contents DataSource control, it didn’t cover my needs (like filtering of a folder contents). I just contributed my solution using .NET Anonymous Types and […]
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Ιουλίου 15, 2013
  • HowTo: Remove invalid filename characters in .NET

    In ClipFlair Studio I use DotNetZip (Ionic.Zip) library for storing components (like the activity and its nested child components) to ZIP archives (.clipflair or .clipflair.zip files). Inside the ZIP archive its child components have their own .clipflair.zip file and so on (so that you could even nest activities at any depth) which construct their ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Ιουλίου 12, 2013
  • Can’t step-through Silverlight file dialogs with Visual Studio debugger

    While stepping through “ShowDialog()” method of OpenFileDialog with Visual Studio 2010 debugger, at the Silverlight code pictured below (for loading a ClipFlair window’s stored options), I got a “Dialogs must be user-initiated” exception. Same behaviour will be shown with SaveFileDialog too, every time you try to step through the “ShowDialog()” ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Δεκεμβρίου 2, 2012
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