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» 6o Studentguru Event : More ASP.net

Αγαπητά μέλη του StudentGuru και λοιποί αναγνώστες,

Οι εξεταστικές τελείωσαν, οι σχολές δεν έχουν ξεκινήσει ακόμα για τα καλά και εμείς εδώ στο StudentGuru βρήκαμε λίγο χρόνο και ετοιμάσαμε ένα ακόμα event πάνω στην τεχνολογία ASP.net που τόσο αγαπάμε (δεν ξέρουμε για εσάς, αλλά εμείς την αγαπάμε). Ας ξεκινήσουμε πρώτα από τα βασικά...

Που θα γίνει ...
Ο χώρος είναι πλέον γνωστός : Microsoft Hellas, Κηφισίας 221, Μαρούσι.  Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για το πως να έρθετε...

Πότε θα γίνει ...
Το Σάββατο, 15 Μαρτίου στις 11.00 το πρωί (καλά δεν είναι και πολύ πρωί...) στην αίθουσα Ιριδανός, μόλις μπαίνετε αριστερά.

Από ποιούς θα γίνει...
Δύο θα είναι οι ομιλητές. Με σειρά εμφάνισης αναφέρονται παρακάτω :

  • 1ος : Κατσιώτης Ιωάννης (aka djsolid ή ο γραφών αυτού του post).
    Πολύτιμο μέλος Development Team του StudentGuru που προσπαθεί εδώ και 5 μήνες να κάνει μια αναβάθμιση στο StudentGuru.
  • 2oς Γκανάτσιος Δημήτρης (aka dt008 ή και σε κάποιους κύκλους γνωστός και ως Ηλίας)
    MVP στην C#, ξεχωρίζει για τα post του σχετικά με την Superleague 

Τι θα έχει το menu ...
Εκτός από τα κλασικά μπισκοτάκια, καφεδάκια κλπ το event θα έχει 2 Sessions.

  • 1ο Session :
    • ASP.net Membership - Role - Profile
      Τι είναι ένα website χωρίς χρήστες? Καφές χωρίς μπισκοτάκια... Σε αυτό το session θα δείτε πως μπορούμε να προσθέσουμε πολύ εύκολα λειτουργίες όπως login και register. Επίσης πως μπορούμε να δημιουργήσουμε κατηγορίες χρηστών και τέλος πως μπορούμε να αποθηκεύσουμε πληροφορίες για τον κάθε χρήστη ώστε να κάνουμε το website μας μοναδικό για τον κάθε επισκέπτη.
    • SQL Query via ASP.net
      Σε αυτό το session θα δούμε πως μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε DataTables, DataAdapters, SqlConnections, για να πάρουμε δεδομένα από μια βάση και να τα εμφανίσουμε στην σελίδα μας. Δεν έχετε ξανακούσει για DataTables, DataAdapters, SqlConnections ? Ελάτε για να ακούσετε!
    • ASP.net AJAX
      Δεν θα μπορούσε να λείπει αυτή η τεχνολογία από το event! Πως άραγε θα μπορέσουμε να κάνουμε το website μας πιο cool , πιο λειτουργικό και user friendly χωρίς ούτε μια γραμμή JavaScript? Αυτό θα αποκαλυφθεί στο 3ο μέρος αυτού του session.
  • 2ο Session :
    • ASP.net 3.5 Extensions
      Μην νομίζετε ότι επειδή έχει μόνο ένα μέρος αυτό το session θα δείτε λίγα πράγματα... Με το στομάχι γεμάτο πλέον με καφέ και μπισκότα θα είστε στην κατάλληλη διάθεση για να παρακολουθήσετε τα Extensions της ASP.net. Με αυτά μπορούμε να κάνουμε παπάδες... και αυτό έχει σκοπό να κάνει ο dt σε αυτό το session.

Σας περιμένουμε όλους λοιπόν το Σάββατο, 15 Μαρτίου στις 11.00 το πρωί για το 6ο StudentGuru event! Η συμμετοχή είναι δωρεάν, το ίδιο και τα μπισκοτάκια clip_image001...

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Πέμπτη, 13 Μαρτίου 2008 12:10 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
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» European Silverlight Challenge - Grand Final Results

Hi all,

The '1st European Silverlight Challenge' has ended and all of the participants did a pretty good job. However there can only be one winner who will become Europe's Best Silverlight Developer 2008. The Winner and the first and second runner-ups will be awarded with a trip to Mix 08 as well as additional prizes from our sponsors.

20 Countries from all across Europe have been involved in this 1st Challenge developing the best Rich Internet Application with Microsoft Silverlight. With unlimited creativity, the entries demonstrated the true potential of this amazing technology.

The entries varied from games to multimedia tools and even real business applications, each one a unique piece.
The announcement of the challenge was received with excitement among European bloggers and the news spread very fast among the user groups via the effort of our wonderful .NET User Group Leaders, whom mobilized their members to participate in the event.

Thanks everybody for your efforts and support as this is what makes this community so great.

Oh, and well, by the way, the winners are...






Technical execution


Silverlight Reversi (1st)







Silverglobe (2nd)







Silver Reader (3rd)

Bosnia & Herzegovina






NovaWebGen (4rth)







Alter bubble bubble







Klotski for Silverlight







Multiplayer Silverlight PokerRoom







Mapul project







Weather Viewer







Iteration burn-down chart







Slot machine







Puzzle game







Banana wars







Carrousel of pictures







Qmusic Live Radio Silverlight Sidebar Gadget







Black silverlight player







Concretely the 4th first places of the grand final correspond to:

1st Place (with the tittle of 2008 Europe's Best Silverlight Developer) goes to Dejan Anevski, from Macedonia, with "Silverlight Reversi".
2nd Place goes to Florian Kruesch, from Germany with "Silverglobe".
3rd Place goes to Radenko Zec, from Bosnia & Herzegovina, with "Silver Reader".
4th Place goes to Yann Faure, from France, with "NovaWebGen".
To say that the winner and first and second runner-ups have won a trip to the MIX'08.

Please feel free to announce the winners through web, blog, podcast, webcast or whatever means you want :).

Congratulations to all the contestants from all the INETA Europe Team!!

Kind regards,
Jose Luis Latorre Millas
INETA Europe

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Πέμπτη, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2008 6:20 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
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» Νικητές του Ελληνικού διαγωνισμού 1st European Silverlight Challenge

Την Δευτέρα που πέρασε ολοκληρώθηκε ο Ελληνικός διαγωνισμός European Silverlight Challenge, και έχουμε την χαρά να ανακοινώσουμε τους νικητές:

1η Θέση
Alter bubble bubble
Ανδρέας Μπότσικας
Δείτε τη συμμετοχή, λήψη της συμμετοχής

2η Θέση
BubbleBreak Clone
Δημήτρης-Ηλίας Γκανάτσιος
Δείτε τη συμμετοχή, λήψη της συμμετοχής

3η Θέση
Φωτινή Βαλεοντή
Δείτε τη συμμετοχή, λήψη της συμμετοχής

Καλή τύχη στον νικητή στην δεύτερη φάση του διαγωνισμού!

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Δευτέρα, 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2008 12:27 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 1 σχόλια
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» 13ο dotNETZone.gr Community Event - Agile Development (Agility for survival)

Το τρίτο φετινό μας event, και 13ο dotNETZone Community Event θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 26 Φεβρουαρίου στις 7.15μμ, στις εγκαταστάσεις της Microsoft Hellas (Κηφισίας 221, Μαρούσι Μετάβαση στο DriveMe.gr). Την παρουσίαση θα κάνει ο Άγγελος Καράντζαλης με θέμα "Agile Development (Agility for survival)".

To Agility for survival είναι μια συζήτηση σχετικά με τις ανερχόμενες Agile μεθοδολογίες ανάπτυξης. Σκοπός του event δεν είναι να "παπαγαλίσουμε" κάποιο βιβλίο για Scrum ή XP, αλλά μια εισαγωγή / συζήτηση σχετικά με τη νοοτροπία του agile development και το πως οι περισσότερες αρχές του είναι πράγματα που κάνουμε καθημερινά οι περισσότεροι στη δουλειά μας.

Το event θα έχει 2 σκέλη:

  1. Εισαγωγή / θεωρία
    • Τι είναι μια μεθοδολογία, γιατί τη χρειάζομαι;
    • Οι 7 αρχές του agile development σε απλή γλώσσα
    • Η τυπική agile διαδικασία και πως μεταφράζεται σε πράγματα που κάνουμε όλοι καθημερινά.
  2. Agile development
    • Design is NOT dead
    • Πέντε βασικές αρχές όταν γράφουμε κώδικα
    • Concepts: dependency injection, AOP, O/R mapping κ.α.

Τα dotNETZone Community Events διοργανώνονται με σκοπό την ενημέρωση των φίλων του dotNETZone.gr γύρω από διάφορα θέματα σχετικά με το .NET. Σας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθήσετε ένα σεμινάριο τεχνικού χαρακτήρα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα έχετε και την ευκαιρία να συνομιλήσετε με άλλους συναδέρφους και να μοιραστείτε τους προβληματισμούς σας. Σας περιμένουμε εκεί!


  • Χρειάζεται προεγγραφή;
  • Πόσο κοστίζει;
    Είναι δωρεάν
  • Χρειάζεται να είμαι μέλος του dotNETZone.gr;
    Όχι, αλλά προτείνεται!
  • Πόση ώρα διαρκεί;
    Περίπου δυο ώρες ενώ στη συνέχεια ακολουθεί και μπύρα σε κοντινή μπυραρία...
  • Πως μπορώ να μαθαίνω για τα events του dotNETZone.gr;
    Στην προσπάθειά μας να ενημερώνουμε το δυνατόν ευκολότερα για να events του dotNETZone.gr δημοσιεύουμε τα events μας στην πρώτη σελίδα του site μας. Παράλληλα δημοσιεύονται σε ελληνικά social bookmarking sites, το site του INETA Hellas και στο Facebook group του dotNETZone.gr.
Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Δευτέρα, 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2008 12:22 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία: ,


» 12ο dotNETZone.gr Community Event - Great Ideas (The C# version)

Το δεύτερο event για την νέα χρονιά είναι κοντά! Το 12ο dotNETZone Community Event θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου στις 7.15μμ, όπως πάντα στις εγκαταστάσεις της Microsoft Hellas (Κηφισίας 221, Μαρούσι Μετάβαση στο DriveMe.gr). Την παρουσίαση θα κάνει ο Νίκος Παλλαδινός με θέμα "Great Ideas (The C# version)".

Great Ideas (The C# version)
Ένα από τα αρχικά programming paradigms, το functional programming, χτυπάει την πόρτα της mainstream καθημερινότητάς μας!!! Βαρύγδουπο θα σκεφτείτε.... αλλά πιστέψτε με, έρχεται με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς!

Σε αυτή την ομιλία θα δούμε:

  • Τι είναι το functional Programming και γιατί πρέπει να μας ενδιαφέρει
  • Πως μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε το programming style μας, με την C#
  • και πάνω από όλα πως αλλάζει ο τρόπος σκέψης μας

Τα dotNETZone Community Events διοργανώνονται με σκοπό την ενημέρωση των φίλων του dotNETZone.gr γύρω από διάφορα θέματα σχετικά με το .NET. Σας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθήσετε ένα σεμινάριο τεχνικού χαρακτήρα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα έχετε και την ευκαιρία να συνομιλήσετε με άλλους συναδέρφους και να μοιραστείτε τους προβληματισμούς σας. Σας περιμένουμε εκεί!


  • Χρειάζεται προεγγραφή;
  • Πόσο κοστίζει;
    Είναι δωρεάν
  • Χρειάζεται να είμαι μέλος του dotNETZone.gr;
    Όχι, αλλά προτείνεται!
  • Πόση ώρα διαρκεί;
    Περίπου δυο ώρες ενώ στη συνέχεια ακολουθεί και μπύρα σε κοντινή μπυραρία...
  • Πως μπορώ να μαθαίνω για τα events του dotNETZone.gr;
    Στην προσπάθειά μας να ενημερώνουμε το δυνατόν ευκολότερα για να events του dotNETZone.gr δημοσιεύουμε τα events μας στην πρώτη σελίδα του site μας. Παράλληλα δημοσιεύονται σε ελληνικά social bookmarking sites, το site του INETA Hellas και στο Facebook group του dotNETZone.gr.
Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Σάββατο, 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2008 8:28 μμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία: ,


» Δωρεάν εκπαίδευση .NET για τα μέλη του INETA

As 2008 begins, InnerWorkings would like to give all our INETA supporters a big 'Thank You' for their help in making 2007 our best year ever.

Build your .NET skills - for free!
Through February 25th,
InnerWorkings is giving away 10 hours of hands-on .NET learning to any INETA member, no strings attached. This is your chance to sharpen your current skills or learn some new technologies at no cost, using InnerWorkings Developer. All the following are included:

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • AJAX Extensions
  • Silverlight 1.0
  • New Features in C# 3.0
  • New Features in VB 9.0
  • LINQ to SQL

To take advantage of this learning offer, members should register with InnerWorkings and download the free samplers before February 25th, 2008.

Learn by doing
At InnerWorkings, we believe in hands-on learning – check out our quick product tour for more information. Our practice environment is integrated with Visual Studio and our patented code-judging engine provides instant feedback on your solutions. Take us up on our offer and we're confident you'll see the value of our hands-on approach. According to Soma Somasegar, Corporate VP, Microsoft Developer Division, "Developers will benefit greatly from having such an integrated learning solution for Visual Studio. The capabilities of InnerWorkings Developer are a natural complement to the powerful Visual Studio integrated development environment."

Tell a friend
This InnerWorkings offer is completely free to the entire INETA community, so please forward this email to your local members and to other INETA regional directors so they can share it with their members. Remember, this free offer ends after February 25th so act today!

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Πέμπτη, 31 Ιανουαρίου 2008 10:54 μμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία: ,


» Παράταση του διαγωνισμού European Silverlight Challenge

Αν είχατε σκοπό να συμμετάσχετε στον διαγωνισμό «European Silverlight Challenge», αλλά η διάρκεια του διαγωνισμού σας είχε φανεί μικρή, θα χαρείτε να μάθετε ότι ο διαγωνισμός παρατείνεται και η τελευταία ημέρα αποστολής συμμετοχών είναι πλέον η 11η Φεβρουαρίου.

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, τα δώρα και τους κανονισμούς του διαγωνισμού, μπορείτε να επισκέπτεστε το site του Ελληνικού διαγωνισμού. Επίσης από τον site μπορείτε να ενημερώνεστε τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις για τον διαγωνισμό καθώς και τις καινούργιες συμμετοχές.

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Παρασκευή, 25 Ιανουαρίου 2008 6:19 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια


» 11ο dotNETZone.gr Community Event - SQL Server Reporting Services

Είστε έτοιμοι για το πρώτο event της νέας χρονιάς; Έχετε 10 μέρες από σήμερα να ετοιμαστείτε! Το 11ο dotNETZone Community Event θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 29 Ιανουαρίου στις 7.15μμ, όπως πάντα στις εγκαταστάσεις της Microsoft Hellas (Κηφισίας 221, Μαρούσι Μετάβαση στο DriveMe.gr). Την παρουσίαση θα κάνει ο Δημήτρης Παπαδημητρίου με θέμα "SQL Server Reporting Services".

Τα dotNETZone Community Events διοργανώνονται με σκοπό την ενημέρωση των φίλων του dotNETZone.gr γύρω από διάφορα θέματα σχετικά με το .NET. Σας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθήσετε ένα σεμινάριο τεχνικού χαρακτήρα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα έχετε και την ευκαιρία να συνομιλήσετε με άλλους συναδέρφους και να μοιραστείτε τους προβληματισμούς σας. Σας περιμένουμε εκεί!


  • Χρειάζεται προεγγραφή;
  • Πόσο κοστίζει;
    Είναι δωρεάν
  • Χρειάζεται να είμαι μέλος του dotNETZone.gr;
    Όχι, αλλά προτείνεται!
  • Πόση ώρα διαρκεί;
    Περίπου δυο ώρες ενώ στη συνέχεια ακολουθεί και μπύρα σε κοντινή μπυραρία...
  • Πως μπορώ να μαθαίνω για τα events του dotNETZone.gr;
    Στην προσπάθειά μας να ενημερώνουμε το δυνατόν ευκολότερα για να events του dotNETZone.gr δημοσιεύουμε τα events μας στην πρώτη σελίδα του site μας. Παράλληλα δημοσιεύονται σε ελληνικά social bookmarking sites, το site του INETA Hellas και στο Facebook group του dotNETZone.gr.
Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Σάββατο, 19 Ιανουαρίου 2008 7:18 μμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία: ,


» Διαγωνισμός: 1st European Silverlight Challenge
Αν πιστεύετε στο ταλέντο σας, δηλώστε συμμετοχή στο Διαγωνισμό «European Silverlight Challenge» - Τολμήστε να διαγωνιστείτε στον Ευρωπαϊκό διαγωνισμό προγραμματιστών για το Silverlight και κερδίστε πλούσια δώρα, κα ασφαλώς διεκδικήστε την πρώτη θέση μαζί με την αναγνώριση ;)

H INETA Europe σε συνεργασία με την Microsoft, έχει προετοιμάσει ένα διαγωνισμό για προγραμματιστές με το όνομα «European Silverlight Challenge», που ξεκίνησε τον Νοέμβριο και θα ολοκληρωθεί στα τέλη του Ιανουαρίου.

Σκοπός του διαγωνισμού είναι η ανάπτυξη μιας εφαρμογής Web ή εναλλακτικά ενός component, που το interface του θα είναι σε βασισμένο στην τεχνολογία Silverlight.

Ο μόνος περιορισμός είναι ότι η εφαρμογή πρέπει να διατεθεί σαν Open Source (άδεια MS-PL) και να είναι διαθέσιμη ελεύθερα στις on-line κοινότητες χρηστών. Ο διαγωνισμός διοργανώνεται ανά χώρα από την τοπική αντιπροσωπία του INETA, για την χώρα μας από τη INETA Hellas.

Ο διαγωνισμός ξεκίνησε! Μην χρονοτριβείτε! Δηλώστε συμμετοχή σήμερα. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, τα δώρα και τους κανονισμούς του διαγωνισμού, μπορείτε να επισκέπτεστε το site του Ελληνικού διαγωνισμού. Επίσης από τον site μπορείτε να ενημερώνεστε τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις για τον διαγωνισμό καθώς και τις καινούργιες συμμετοχές.


Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Πέμπτη, 3 Ιανουαρίου 2008 4:00 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
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» INETA Europe - Newsletter - December 2007


INETA Europe Home  |  Speakers Bureau INETA EuropeFind a UG Near You Become an INETA Member




In This Issue


New INETA Offerings

European Silverlight Challenge

News from the Speakers Bureau

INETA volunteers needed

[C2C] .NET conference - Poland





























New INETA Offerings Coming Your Way

INETA Europe currently serves 289 user groups, representing more than 75000 developers in Europe!

One of the cool things about being an INETA volunteer is being involved in all kinds of community activities. Everything from helping out in a smaller user group to helping plan TechEd Developers, which was really giving us an opportunity to put everybody together – board members, volunteers, the speakers, users who would actually go to meetings, user group leaders – and to relate with Microsoft and vendors as well.

Our TechEd booth was based next to the MVP and RD booths completing the "TechEd Community Lounge" and allowing us to network with a majority of MVP and RD representatives and program members. In this year ALL members of the board were attending the TechEd. It was also the place to meet members of INETA speakers bureau and negotiate some dates for a meeting.

For me personally it was also a lot of fun. I really enjoyed getting the chance to meet people from all European countries and speak about topics of interests to all of us. Traditionally as every year we had a "Community Volunteer Dinner" for INETA volunteers from Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania, Germany and many other countries. Something between 30 and 40 volunteers joined us in Shoko Restaurant in Barcelona. Some of them missed the restaurant (Barca is too big...) and we were forced to wait for another 45 minutes. But as you may have heard - Barcelona never sleeps!

In past months INETA Europe board members were heavily involved in the development of new programs and services that will provide great value to our members and improve the communication and information sharing that takes place between user group leaders, members and community experts.

I would like to mention just two of them:

We already started with the biggest competition in INETA Europe history - "1st European Silverlight Challenge". This competition is taking place in different European countries at the same time. The winners of all national competitions will get the chance to compete against each other on a European level and win one of our 3 master prizes – paid trip to MIX 08 in Las Vegas including conference passes and some more goodies! Read more below about this astonishing competition.

Next big initiative is "The Heroes Community Launch" - an exclusive opportunity to work directly with Microsoft and INETA to host your own launch event around Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008, and SQL Server 2008 Microsoft products. The program will give you and 2 additional members of your user group the technical training and launch support resources to showcase some of the technical features of these products within your local community. More details on this initative will be provided shortly.

What about you?

Is your user group doing something special for the holidays? A special meeting format? An organized event? Something charitable? Let us know so that we can include it in an article in our next newsletter. Send your user group name, url and a short description of what your group did for the holidays and we will create a list to share with all. Pictures are always fun too!

If you think your group did something extra special, please share it with the rest of the INETA community and send Miguel, our VP Marketing, an article.

There are so many other interesting topics to talk about but there is not enough space in this newsletter :-).

I would like to wish you a happy holidays and a great and successful new year!!

Sincerely yours,

Damir Tomicic
President INETA Europe











European Silverlight Challenge



Believe in your talent! Take part in the “European Silverlight Challenge” Competition – Dare to participate in the European Silverlight Development Competition. Win the recognition that goes with first place and, of course, fabulous prizes! (or 'swag' as our UK friends would say). The total worth is more then $200.000!

INETA EUROPE, in collaboration with Microsoft, is running the “European Silverlight Challenge”, a development competition starting in November and running until the end of January.
This competition is all about the development of a web component or application with a User Interface (UI) written in Silverlight. The only condition is that it must be published as Open Source (license MS-PL) component and to be freely available for use on User Group web sites and on online technical communities. The competition is organized on a country basis and there will be a European Final featuring the winners of each country.
The competition is already open, keep visiting to see the new applications.
Get ready for participating at your local competition, if your country doesn't manage the competition please contact us ASAP as the possibility of participating will be closed at 31th of December.

More info....











News from the INETA Europe Speakers Bureau


We are delighted that we can announce that two new speakers joined the International Speaker Bureau: Lorenzo Barbieri and Ciprian Jichici.

Lorenzo Barbieri
Lorenzo Barbieri is a Senior Trainer and Consultant based in Milan, Italy. He is specialized in Visual Studio Team System, Team Foundation Server, Microsoft Solutions Framework, .NET development with SQL Server and in Microsoft Virtual PC/Virtual Server/Hyper-V. Lorenzo works for ObjectWay, a leading Italian training and consulting company, where he leads the Microsoft division. He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Visual Developer – Team System, and previously he was a Microsoft MVP Windows – Virtual Machines. Microsoft Certified Trainer from 2001, he has many other Microsoft certifications, including MCPD (Win,Web,EA), MCITP DBA and MCTS. He writes articles for Italian IT magazines and for the Italian MSDN Web Site. He regularly speaks at Microsoft conferences and user group meetings.

Ciprian Jichici
Ciprian is participating in the Microsoft Regional Directors Program as a Regional Director for Romania and has been involved since 2003 in many Business Intelligence-related projects, workshops and presentations. Ciprian is also a Solutions Architect MVP focusing on Business Intelligence-related architectural problems and distributed applications built on Microsoft’s Application Platform. He splits his time between delivering workshops and presentations on BI technologies and platforms such as SQL Server, SharePoint, and PerformancePoint Server and doing academic research in the field of data mining in preparation of his PhD thesis. Ciprian is the general manager of Genisoft, a Business Intelligence training and services company based in Timisoara, Romania.












INETA volunteers needed!



As a growing organization, we are continuously looking for new team members to help deliver on our various programs and projects. Understanding that availability for volunteer work may vary amongst many of you, we appreciate all levels of involvement. For some this might include a permanent role in one of our teams such as Marketing, Technology or Community Activities. For others, it may be writing a short article for our newsletter or website covering an important topic or exciting event in your area.

To learn more about how you can get involved with our various divisions, teams and programs, please email [email protected].

We would love to hear from you!












First [C2C] .NET Conference in Poland



On 5th April 2008 the first Polish [C2C] .NET conference will be a fact. With this 'Communities to Communities' event, INETA liaison Daniel Arak hopes to target all .NET user groups in Poland. One speaker can already be announced: we are proud we are able to send INETA Europe speaker Dino Esposito to Poland!

Key points about the conference:
- 5th April 2008 - one day conference
- audience: polish community >200 attendants
- two tracks: .NET and SQL
- first such event in Poland - communities to communities
- sessions chosen by community - call for papers
- great opportunity to connect people and technology together

More info: Daniel Arak












Featured INETA Speaking Engagements






Christian Weyer

.NET Developer Group Ulm

24 Januar 2008

Christian Weyer

.NET Developer Group Braunschweig

18 Februar 2008

Alex Homer

NxtGenUg - Southampton

21 Februar 2008

Dino Esposito

[C2C] .NET Conference - Warshaw Poland

5 April 2008











Visual Studio 2008 - Community Launch Events

Currently we are working hard to organize many exciting VS2008 Community Launch events all around Europe. We will keep you informed when some concrete news is available, so stay tuned...












Upcoming events



5 April 2008 - [C2C] .NET Conference - Warshaw - Poland









Copyright 2007 by INETA Europe

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Σάββατο, 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 3:12 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία:


» 10o dotNETZone Event - Τρίτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2007

Ζεστοί - ζεστοί μετά την TechEd, προχωρούμε ακάθεκτοι στο 10ο dotNETZone Community Event! Την παρουσίαση θα κάνει ο Γιώργος Καπνιάς με θέμα “Subsonic – Supersonic your databases”. Θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Τρίτη 20 Νοεμβρίου, στις 7.15 μμ, όπως πάντα στις εγκαταστάσεις της Microsoft Hellas (Κηφισίας 221, Μαρούσι Μετάβαση στο DriveMe.gr).

Τα dotNETZone Community Events διοργανώνονται με σκοπό την ενημέρωση των φίλων του dotNETZone.gr γύρω από διάφορα θέματα σχετικά με το .NET. Σας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να παρακολουθήσετε ένα σεμινάριο τεχνικού χαρακτήρα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα έχετε και την ευκαιρία να συνομιλήσετε με άλλους συναδέρφους και να μοιραστείτε τους προβληματισμούς σας. Σας περιμένουμε εκεί!

Διαβάστε περισσότερα: 10o dotNETZone Event - Subsonic

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Τετάρτη, 14 Νοεμβρίου 2007 12:42 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία: ,


» Newsletter - September 2007 - European Edition


INETA Europe Home  |  Speakers Bureau INETA EuropeFind a UG Near You Become an INETA Member




In This Issue


MS TechEd 2007

Silverlight challenge

Speakers Bureau

Volunteers needed

Speaker idol

Upcoming events



























"We bring the community face to TechEd!"

Meet INETA at TechEd Developers Europe 2007 in Barcelona (November 5-9). You can find us in the Community Lounge. Situated in the Exhibition Hall. The Community Lounge offers you the perfect opportunity to relax and network with some of your most influential community members who represent Microsoft MVPs, INETA and other community groups.

We have a number of great activities for you focusing on connecting like-minded developers together. We plan to record a variety of speakers; staff; experts and delegates for podcasts - which will then be edited and published on the site on a regular basis. Stay tuned for more detailed info.

There are different ways you can get involved and help make our activities a success at TechEd.
Here they are.

1.     Get the word out. Blog about the INETA, post about them in forums, tell all your friends, shout it to the world. 

2.     Volunteer. You can lend a hand. We have some general assistance positions to help keep everything running smoothly. Contact our volunteer coordinator, Tomislav Bronzin ([email protected]), to sign up today. 

3.     Participate. If you've never managed to visit INETA community lounge in past years, this year you should! And when you get to the lounge, join in the conversation. It's amazing what happens when someone asks an interesting question. ;-)

4.     Feedback. Past feedback has gone a long way to shape this year's activities, so make your voice heard this time around. We are eager to hear what you think of the innovations, the sessions, the moderators, the facilities, whatever is on your mind. Let us know what was good, what was not, and how it can be better. We're all ears. 

5.     Take your challenge with Speaker Idol - demonstrate your exceptional presentation skills and become the rock star presenter of the future! Find more about this amazing opportunity below.

See you in Barcelona!

Damir Tomicic
President INETA Europe











European Silverlight Developers Challenge


Believe in your talent and join the "European Silverlight Challenge" Competition – Dare to participate on the European Silverlight Developers Competition and win fabulous prizes, and of course the recognition if you win one of the first three places.

At INETA EUROPE (http://europe.ineta.org), we have prepared in collaboration with Microsoft a developers competition with the name "European Silverlight Developers Challenge", starting last week, on the 12th of September and ending at the end of October.

This competition is based on the development of a .NET Component or Application that is using Silverlight technology with the condition that developed solution should be utility that INETA User Groups or other Developer or Designer Community can use on their web sites and online technical communities.

In short we will publish more information about the competition on INETA EUROPE web site, so keep visiting. Well, we just have to say that you should participate on this competition because if you don't try you will not know what you are able to do!

Maybe you will get one of the prizes or even you will put yourself at the top of Europe Developers, which better prize? ;)

Jose Luis Latorre Millas
Vice President Marketing INETA Europe











  Meet INETA at Microsoft® Tech•Ed: Developers 2007


Confront the challenges of today and learn how Microsoft’s developer tools can help you build applications for your business success.

Get training, information and community resources focusing on current and soon to launch Microsoft products. Immerse yourself in five days of learning new techniques for building a scalable and secure architecture and designing applications for easier and more effective deployment.

See the Web site for registration information. Register before 28 September 2007 and save €300. 










News from the INETA Eaurope Speakers Bureau



Last couple of months INETA Europe welcomed two new INETA speakers! Last added are Udi Dahan and Guy Smith-Ferrier. We are more than happy to provide them, or one of our other great speakers, to your local event.

Udi Dahan
Udi is The Software Simplist, a Microsoft Solutions Architect MVP, recognized .Net expert, and a member of both the Microsoft Architects and Technologists Councils. Udi provides clients all over the world with training, mentoring and high-end architecture consulting services, specializing in Service-Oriented, scalable and secure .NET architecture design, and Web services. He is a member of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA), a frequent conference presenter, Dr. Dobb's sponsored expert on Web Services, SOA, & XML, and a regularly published author. Udi's latest work includes the release of NServiceBus - an open source Enterprise Service Bus for .NET. If you are interested in inviting one of our speakers to your user group event, please feel free to contact me.

Guy Smith-Ferrier
Guy is an MVP in ASP.NET. He is the author of ".NET Internationalization" published by Addison-Wesley. He is a Microsoft Certified Professional developer, author, trainer and speaker, has spoken at many European and US conferences, is the winner of the NxtGen Best Presentation 2006/2007 and has been voted best speaker three times. He runs The .NET Developer Network, a free .NET user group in the South West of England. He is the author of C#/.NET courseware and much of the official Borland courseware including courses on COM and ADO. He has written over 50 articles for numerous magazines, has co-authored an application development book and is the author of the ADO chapter of "Mastering Delphi 6". You can read his blog at http://www.guysmithferrier.com.

André Obelink
Vice President Speakers Bureau INETA Europe












Volunteers needed



INETA Europe Volunteers Needed: We are looking for several volunteers to assist in the Marketing, Sponsorship, and Technology/Web Site areas. If you have time and are interested please contact Tomislav Bronzin at[email protected].












 Speaker Idol @ Tech•Ed Developers 2007 



05 - 09 November, Barcelona, Spain

Have you got what it takes to rock the stage? Jumpstart your career on the technical Speaker circuit by entering Speaker Idol at TechEd Developers 2007! Demonstrate your exceptional presentation skills and become next year’s rock star presenter.

The top Speaker Idol presenter will win a Speaker ticket for TechEd Developers 2008, with the opportunity of presenting a technical breakout session to an audience of developers attending the conference. The first runner-up will win a delegate ticket for TechEd Developers 2008.

Take your first steps on the road to success. Deadline is 05 October.













Header 8



DevReach 2006, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria; 1- 2 October 2007

We have the pleasure to announce the upcoming premier event for Microsoft developers on the Balkans – the DevReach Conference! The event will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct 1-2 2007. For a second year in a row DevReach brings together the development community and acclaimed international speakers for practical lectures and discussions on the latest Microsoft technologies.

The event is organized by Telerik (vendor of RadControls for .NET) and Kulov.net (Training and Consulting Agency) and is supported by Microsoft, aspnetPRO and MSDN Magazine. The DevReach conference follows the model of the well-recognized Microsoft conferences in the United States such as TechEd and PDC. Among the presenters this year will be Tim Huckaby (Microsoft Regional Director), Carl Franklin (producer of DotNetRocks!), Dino Esposito (author of the Cutting Edge Column in MSDN magazine), Miguel Castro (consultant and trainer with SteelBlue Solutions), Richard Campbell, Stephen Forte, Brian Noyes and many other distinguished presenters. This year’s sessions will be focused on ASP.NET, AJAX, SQL 2008, Visual Studio Team System and emerging Microsoft technologies such as WPF, Silverlight and Rosario. Full details about the session schedule are available at: http://www.devreach.com/sessions.aspx

You are also welcome to visit the official website of the event: www.devreach.com. The registration is already open and if you register by September 15, you will take advantage of the 20% Early Bird Discount. I would be thankful if you could distribute this announcement to your User Group members. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Your involvement will help us take this announcement to a broader audience!


October Conference 2007, Spain
Malaga, Spain; 15-16 October 2007

Welcome to the first ever Multi-lingual Conference for .NET developers in Málaga. The conference covers a wide range of topics and sessions are available in both English and Spanish. Top notch industry experts from all over the world will be in Málaga for two days bringing you a wide range of quality sessions. It will be your chance to interact with colleagues and chat to the speakers.

The best part of it all is that it's completely free! Space is limited so please make sure you register soon.










Copyright 2006 by INETA Europe

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Δευτέρα, 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 7:07 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία:


» SQL Server Workshop in Zurich

Microsoft is running FREE event: SQL Server performance class in Zurich, on July 11 & 12.

Title: SQL Server Best Practices and Performance Tuning for Oracle Enterprise Applications Workshop
Presenter: Frank McBath, Global Database Technologist, Microsoft Corporation (Expert and Author/Contributor to several books, see list below)
Language: English
Product: SQL Server
Attendees: IT Professionals, DBA’s, Implementers, Developers
Location: Microsoft Schweiz GmbH, Briefing Center, Richtistrasse 3, Wallisellen Zurich 8304, Switzerland

Registration, description and agenda:

There are many courses in the market that cover either the application or the database, but very little that focuses on how the two work together. The goal of this workshop is provide insight into that area - where the database meets the enterprise application.

The focus is on Oracle Applications: Siebel, PeopleSoft & JD Edwards and how they work with SQL Server, but event will also cover SAP and 90% of the talk is purely about how to make SQL Server scalable in an enterprise environment.

Additional information: http://www.microsoft-oracle.com/Pages/default.aspx

Frank McBath is Author/Co-Author/Contributor of:

  • SQL Server Backup & Recovery, Prentice Hall
  • SQL Server 2000 High Availability, Microsoft Press
  • SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit, Microsoft Press
  • SQL Server 2005 Administrators Companion, Microsoft Press
  • SQL Server 2005 Performance, Wrox (September 2007)

Similar workshop is planned for September in Microsoft Business-Technology Center in Varazdin, Croatia (http://www.microsoft.com/croatia/msptc/)!

If you are unable to attend July training, and interested in participation in September training, please send e-mail for seat reservation at: [email protected]!

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Δευτέρα, 25 Ιουνίου 2007 3:57 μμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία:


» Community survey - Invitation to participate

We would like to invite you to participate in a short survey.  The purpose of the survey is to understand your perceptions and usage of the products of various software manufacturers.  We also value your feedback on community perceptions and usage, as we will use that to improve our service to you.  We know that your time is important: this survey is designed to take only 25 minutes of your time. 

To access the study, please click on the link below. 


If the link does not work, please try copying and pasting the entire link into your browser.

Thank you very much for your help.  We look forward to receiving your response.  This survey will close on May 11, 2007.

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Τετάρτη, 9 Μαΐου 2007 11:28 μμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία:


» MSDN Community Distribution

MSDN Community Distribution is a program for developer communities in emerging countries, where broadband Internet connections are hardly available. Community leaders facing such challenges within their groups can register as distribution agent and will receive a bimonthly master CD to copy and distribute among community members and interested third parties.

Individual developers who would like to get our CD releases as well can check up our distribution agents list and get the CDs from a location in their region or download ISO images from our Download Center in case of broadband connectivity.

Articles, resources, code samples, Webcasts, SDKs, tools and much more. Every two months, the new CD is published here - ready to be downloaded and redistributed to your developer community! Whether you put the CDs on an fileshare or make hardcopies, there's no restriction on duplicating our releases...


  • MSDN Community Distribution CD (Dec 2006)
    Highlights: Microsoft FxCop 1.35, .NET Framework 3.0 (x86) Redistributable, Windows Presentation and Workflow Foundation Webcasts, patterns & practices Enterprise Library and Guidance Explorer, TechEd 2006 Interviews etc.
  • MSDN Community Distribution CD (Feb 2007)
    Highlights: Visual Express SP1, SQL Server Express SP1, Microsoft Robotics Studio, ASP.NET AJAX 1.0, SQL Server beginner Webcasts, The Architecture Journal 9 (Software Factories), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ARCasts etc.
  • MSDN Community Distribution CD (Apr 2007)
    Highlights: XNA Game Studio Express, Windows PowerShell, Windows Mobile development and p&p Webcasts, SMS Server Toolkit, Litware SaaS Demo, Community Blogs
Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Δευτέρα, 30 Απριλίου 2007 11:25 μμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια


» INETA Europe - Newsletter - April 2007


INETA Europe Home  |  Speakers Bureau INETA EuropeFind a UG Near You Become an INETA Member




In This Issue


5th Anniversary INETA

People behind INETA Europe

Success Story

News from the Speakers Bureau

We need volunteers!

INETA Speaking Engagements

Windows Vista and Office 2007 CLT



























5th Anniversary of INETA

February 2007 marks the 5th anniversary of INETA which has grown to more than 800 user groups representing more than 850.000 members worldwide. In Europe we count currently 254 user groups representing 66518 members. Since our founding INETA has focused on fostering the local developer community through various programs and services for user groups with the help of INETA volunteers.

Since last fall user groups around the world are participating in the INETA Community Launch Event program coordinated by our Community Activities Division. It's great for user group members to learn from their peers which have been a core component of user groups for many years. I encourage user groups to get members involved in sharing their knowledge and work. Big thanks to our Community Activities team volunteers who put in hundreds of hours on this project. In this edition of our newsletter we would like to introduce you Tomislav Bronzin, Vice President Community Activities.

Over the past year our efforts to increase interest in the INETA Speakers Bureau have gone very well and bookings are at an all time high. André Obelink, Vice President Speakers Bureau and his team work hard to provide an equitable distribution of speakers across the country to our 254 user groups. I encourage all user group leaders to work together to host a speaker at a multi-user group event to maximize our speaker resources and strengthen your local community by working together with fellow user group leaders.

As you know INETA Europe is a volunteer run organization and we currently have several divisions (Marketing, Sponsorship, etc.) that are in need of volunteers. If you would like to help INETA Europe and your fellow user group leaders and members for one project or on a regular basis please contact Andrej Radinger, Vice President Membership, at [email protected].

As always please let me know if your have any ideas or feedback that we can use help the user group community.

Damir Tomicic
President, INETA Europe
[email protected] 











The people behind INETA Europe



In every newsletter we introduce one of our boardmembers. This month we like to introduce Tomislav Bronzin, Vice President for Community Activities.

“The man behind Windows Vista/Office 2007 CLT e-mails”

Tomislav Bronzin is "with communities" more than 10 years, starting as a student when he was one of the co-founders of Microsoft Community in his homeland Croatia, and then "climbing" level by level in INETA Europe from Country Leader, Liaison for South East Europe to become INETA Vice President for Community Activities.

Tomislav primary job is to help and coordinate organization of large events like the one he helped organized with Microsoft:Community Launch Team for Windows Vista and Office 2007. Also, part of his job (with other Board Members) is to provide you Country Leaders with:

1.     Info about discounts for user groups;

2.     Speaker’s opportunity – especially organizing Country Speakers Bureau;

3.     Survey about activities of User Group – so you can motivate them to fill in data into survey system so we can monitor performance (number of members, user group meetings, topics etc);

4.     Community Quarterly Kit – opportunity for User Group Leaders to "order" Books, software licenses and gadgets for certain amount free of charge;

5.     Bi-monthly Newsletter – opportunity for every INETA Europe User Group to publish interesting info.











INETA Europe Success Story - Jackie Goldstein speaks on a VBevent


INETA speaker Jackie Goldstein did two sessions on the last VBevent. A VBevent is the quarterly meeting of the Dutch Visual Basic community VBcentral. And we can tell you: it was a great success!

Jackie started with a session about SQL Server Compact Edition and after the break he managed a quiz: Visual Basic Worst Practices... ;-) Beside the fact that is was very funny, the attendees were surprised by some of the examples Jackie gave. At the end all the attendees were very happy with this great evening. We quote some visitors:

"Very good speaker with an excellent audience interaction..."

"The presentation of Mr. Goldstein made me forget the parking problem very fast. Good Show! Loved it!"

"This VBCentral initiative to invite a INETA sponsored guru gives the user group a significant quality-push and brings it to a higher level of professionalism. To be continued I may hope!"

The attendance of Jackie gave the VBevent and also VBcentral itself an enormous booth.. the number of attendees were doubled in comparison to a normal VBevent. That's real community building!










A word from our sponsor



Sybase Developer NetworkThe Sybase Developers Network (SDN) provides a variety of Web-based resources for developers who are interested in or already working with Sybase products. It also gives developers access to a community of peers who can provide assistance and advice on projects. SDN resources include:

  • Software and code sample downloads
  • CodeXchange (a tool that allows developer to freely exchange code samples, utilities, scripts and more)
  • Newsgroups and blogs
  • Product documentation
  • Support options and resources
  • Training and educational opportunities

Take advantage of this hige knowledge base of Sybase technical information and join the SDN today (Register for free ! ) and get a SDN tshirt for free !
The first 500 new registered members will get a SDN tshirt for free.








News from the INETA Europe Speakers Bureau



Last couple of months INETA Europe welcomed two new INETA speakers! Last added are Chad Hower aka Kudzu and Bart de Smet. We are more then happy to provide them, or one of our other great speakers, to your local event.

Chad Z. Hower aka Kudzu
Formerly the Regional Developer Adviser (DPE) for Microsoft MEA (Middle East and Africa), he was responsible for 85 countries spanning 4 continents and crossing 10 time zones. Now Chad is a professional speaker at popular developer conferences worldwide and was once introduced as having "mastered more languages than a United Nations translator." Chad is the author of the book Indy in Depth and has contributed to several other books on network communications and general programming. Chad writes regularly for the Software Developer Network Magazine (Dutch), and occasionally for other magazines. Chad is an expatriate who travels extensively year round. Chad currently lives in Limassol Cyprus but has also lived in St Petersburg Russia, Canada, Turkey, Jordan, and the United States. In total Chad has visited more than nearly 50 countries, visiting most of them many times.

Bart de Smet
Bart De Smet is Microsoft MVP for Visual C# and focuses on .NET Framework development, CLR internals, language innovation with C# 3.0 and LINQ, SQL Server 2005 and Windows Server System. Since the year 2000, Bart evangelizes Microsoft technologies and delivers presentations on several technology events. Beside his evangelism efforts, he's busy maintaining his blog writing articles and doing consultancy for various development projects, spending long and lonely nights with his computer. In 2005, Bart graduated as a Master Informatics from the University of Ghent, Belgium with a summa *** laude degree. For the spare free time that remains, he loves to read technical and scientific books, browse the internet for interesting articles and blog posts, and messing around with betas and SDKs. Hiking trips, jogging and watching snooker are the keywords of Bart's limited sports activities.

If you are interested in inviting one of our speakers to your user group event, please feel free to contact me.

André Obelink,
Vice President Speakers Bureau INETA Europe












Volunteers needed



INETA Europe Volunteers Needed: We are looking for several volunteers to assist in the Marketing, Sponsorship, and Technology/Web Site areas. If you have time and are interested please contact Tomislav Bronzin at [email protected].












Featured INETA Speaking Engagements






Christian Weyer

NNUG Kristiansand


Christian Weyer

NNUG Kristiansand


Christian Weyer

NNUG Kristiansand












ABOUT Windows Vista and Office 2007 Community Launch Team

Windows Vista and Office 2007 Community Launch Team provided logistic for you User Group speakers so that they could easily prepare to deliver presentations about Vista, Office 2007, .NET Framework 3.0 and Exchange 2007. Also, CLT provided CLT Resource Kit with
Interesting facts: Members of Community Launch Team are INETA and Culminus board members through regions, project management and infrastructure support was done under supervision of Microsoft.
Total of 1769 User Group (30%~530 of them INETA UG) around word enrolled for this project, more than 100 being from Europe! Thanks all for your support

More about CLT...









Copyright 2006 by INETA Europe

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Κυριακή, 29 Απριλίου 2007 11:33 πμ από το μέλος George J. Capnias | 0 σχόλια
Δημοσίευση στην κατηγορία:


Περισσότερες Δημοσιεύσεις « Προηγούμενη
Με χρήση του Community Server (Commercial Edition), από την Telligent Systems