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Όλες οι Ετικέτε... » C# » Posts » Methods   (RSS)
  • Suggestion: C# static extension methods invokable on class type too

    it would be nice if C# supported syntax like: public static DependencyProperty Register(static DependencyProperty x, string name, Type propertyType, Type ownerType, FrameworkPropertyMetadata typeMetadata) that is static extension methods for classes, that can be invoked without a class instance (just with the class type), apart from normal ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Δεκεμβρίου 9, 2015
  • Suggestion: Introduce .= operator for C#

    It would be nice if one could write in C# (and maybe in other .NET languages too): s = s.SomeMethodOfS(…)… as s .= SomeMethodOfS(…)… that is to have a .= operator, similar to += and other shorthand experession operators see screenshot for an example usecase from the opensource project FoscamController     Ideally, ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Νοεμβρίου 11, 2015
  • Suggestion: Define once and reuse result type of method inside its body

    It would be nice if one could rewrite this C# snippet: public SortedDictionary<string, UObject> GetObjects() {   SortedDictionary<string, UObject> result = new SortedDictionary<string, UObject>();   using (ReadTransaction xact = namingSchema.ReadTransaction())     foreach (ObjectName.RowType row in ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Νοεμβρίου 10, 2015
  • Suggestion: Allow local nested methods inside any code block

    It would be nice if one could define methods inside other methods so that they are only accessible in the context of the parent method. In Pascal one could define them at the start of the parent method, before any other commands, but after local variables block, so they could also access the variables of […]
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Σεπτεμβρίου 5, 2015
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