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Όλες οι Ετικέτε... » Posts » ASP.net » PreRenderComple... » Events » HowTo » Initialization » ClipFlair   (RSS)
  • HowTo: Perform ASP.net action after page child controls are databound

    While creating metadata entry/update pages for ClipFlair’s Activity and Clip Galleries I had the problem of figuring out how to do some initialization (from XML data, loaded from a filename based on the 1st item of a DataBound control), after all child controls of the ASP.net Page have been databound (from XmlDataSource). Seems others have ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Ιουλίου 11, 2013
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