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Όλες οι Ετικέτε... » Posts » E-Slate » Education » Microworlds » JavaBeans » Logo » Authoring   (RSS)
  • E-Slate – educational microworlds authoring componentized environment

    E-Slate (http://e-slate.cti.gr) is an exploratory learning environment. It provides a workbench for creating highly dynamic software with rich functionality, even by non-programmers. Educational activity ideas can be turned into software, with minimal authoring effort, in the form of interactive Microworlds which contain specially designed ...
    Δημοσιεύτηκε στο George Birbilis' blog (Weblog) από το μέλος birbilis στις Μαρτίου 2, 2011
Με χρήση του Community Server (Commercial Edition), από την Telligent Systems