DX-Nuspec files hosted on GitHub

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 22 Απριλίου 14 12:41 μμ | tolisss 

DevExpress offers a great installer for their components and frameworks. But if you work in a continuous integration environment or have to deal with different versions of the components NuGet packages are the better way to deploy and version-control  dependencies. This project contains .nuspec files for  DevExpress WinForms, Web and XAF assemblies. It is not an official release and it is not supported by DevExpress.

This is the description of the DX-Nuspec files, open sourced from Sergej Derjabkin a casual community contributor! The files are available in https://github.com/derjabkin/DX-Nuspec and of course they will be distributed as a submodule from eXpandFramework v13.2.9.1.

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