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Quick Tip: CommunityServer 2.1 uses TinyMCE as a rich text editor. They use what appears to be a wrapper to TinyMCE: CommunityServer.Controls.Editor. As I am developing an application on top of CS 2.1 I am using the same rich text editor and encountered
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I run into an issue today regarding Community Server 1.1 (CS 1.1). I changed the default language in communityServer.config from en-US to el-GR, only to get a runtime error. The change: < Core defaultLanguage ="el-GR" … > The error: Description:
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The problem seemed to be the name of my blog… as soon as I manually changed the name in dasBlog’s site.Config from ‘rousso’s .net blog’ to plain ‘rousso’, CS blog accepted my crossposts… solved!
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I wanted to test w.Bloggar and BlogJet today for posting in a CS 1.1 blog. MetaBlogAPI comes as a separate download from CS 1.1 so I tried to find and get it. Believe me I had a real hard time! After an hour or so of googling around for it, a friend from
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I seem to have a problem cross-posting from dasBlog… Can’t figure it out yet…
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This is a “hello world” (test) posting to my new blog via BlogJet! How about that?! Next posting is going to be a cross-posting test from my main blog …. —- This is an edit with blogJet. If you read this line, then edits with blogJet work!
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