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I discovered today (the hard way), that we can no longer use xsl:include and xsl:import elements in XSL Transformations for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 XML WebParts. Along with those msxml:script is also blocked. I am going to investigate this further
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Situation: You use SQL 2000 Reporting Services, to create a report (probably same applies for SQL 2005, but I have not tried it yet). You report expects various parameters but the user does not need to specify all of them through the user interface. For
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As I was developing applications for .Net Framework 1.0 and 1.1, I was building a couple of code libraries with features I found smart and useful for my apps. Being an active member of dotNetZone.gr, (a Greek .net developer community often nicknamed DNZ),
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Remember my recent blog entry about Netscape 8 excitement ??? Remember I told you that the good news was that you can switch to IE engine with a click from within Netscape 8? Well… here is the first bad news: Go find a site with a textarea control to
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Since IE 4, my use of Netscape started to decline. After IE 5 I hardly ever used Netscape Navigator. It was not even installed on my computer. I just had it installed in a test machine to verify DHTML compliance with it whenever needed. Until today! I
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