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Delicate Sound of Development

Journal για creative & non-creative δραστηριότητες. Development and more...:)

Φεβρουάριος 2012 - Δημοσιεύσεις

Moving to wordpress

I had such a great time here (as a blogposter). I am moving to biboudis.wordpress.com (update your favorite RSS reader Smile). I always thought of blogging as a personal public notebook in which I can write some pieces for later reference. This list could be multiplied by 20, if I had taken some time every week to post various things that I liked, I wrote, I met, solved (or not). Some of my posts that I really went back to, at some point, to seek some information were the following.

An Extensible WPF client layout with RibbonTab submenus using MEF

CloseTabBehavior για TabItems σε Silverlight TabControl

A note to self: Silverlight DataBinding awesomeness μέσα από Expression Blend, XAML και ...

Silverlight animatable custom controls: quick ‘n’ dirty!

[Μαθαίνοντας Design Patterns] Model – View – ViewModel

Closures στη C#

Πύργοι του Ανόι σε F#

Εισαγωγή στα Expression Trees και στις δυναμικές μεθόδους (Visual Studio 2010)

Moving to blogspot

I had such a great time through this blog. I am moving to biboudis.wordpress.com http://biboudis.blogspot.gr/ (update your favorite RSS reader Smile). I always thought of blogging as a personal public notebook in which I can write some pieces for later reference. This list could be multiplied by 20, if I had taken some time every week to post various things that I liked, I wrote, I met, solved (or not). Some of my posts that I really went back to, at some point, to seek some information were the following.

An Extensible WPF client layout with RibbonTab submenus using MEF

CloseTabBehavior για TabItems σε Silverlight TabControl

A note to self: Silverlight DataBinding awesomeness μέσα από Expression Blend, XAML και ...

Silverlight animatable custom controls: quick ‘n’ dirty!

[Μαθαίνοντας Design Patterns] Model – View – ViewModel

Closures στη C#

Πύργοι του Ανόι σε F#

Εισαγωγή στα Expression Trees και στις δυναμικές μεθόδους (Visual Studio 2010)

So update your RSS reader from this to my wordpress blogspot, always follow studentguru.gr as great things always happen here and keep coding.

//edit: updated my blog url