There are times when you need a task to execute periodically. There are two ways of achieving this: Use the System.Windows.Threading. DispatcherTimer Use the System.Threading. Timer Say now that you want to implement a class the executes DoSomething() periodically and also informs through a delegate to whoever listens whent the execution is performed. The class for DispatcherTimer is as follows: public class DTimer { private DispatcherTimer timer; public event Action < int > DoSomething; private int _timesCalled
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In my first blogging days, I received a comment for a post saying how wonderful and special the thing I did was. I was thrilled! Then I received 5 more comments with exactly the same sentence and then 5 more and I realized that this was my first encounter with comment spamming. In order to avoid this I present here a way to add a custom made CAPTCHA ( C ompletely A utomated P ublic T uring test to tell C omputers and H umans A part) in Blogengine.Net ( The code below is based on ideas from the implementation
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