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C# and .NET Tips and Tricks

Quests in programming in .NET

Ιούλιος 2010 - Δημοσιεύσεις

Autosuggest Textbox for WPF
Here is an implementation of a nice Textbox in WPF that suggests possible values based on the current user’s input. It is different from WPF’s native editable Combobox since it does not load all possible values at initialization (saving time and memory). The Textbox calls a method that returns the suggested values as soon as it detects a specific amount of idle time in the user’s typing. This method will probably access the database using the value entered so far in the Textbox as the criterion

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Posted: Πέμπτη, 1 Ιουλίου 2010 7:57 μμ από iwannis | 0 σχόλια
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