Thank you all for coming.
The presentation (in greek) about the common/different parts of Web and Windows 8.1 Applications is available through the following:
From Web development ro Windows 8 development and Vice-Versa(in greek).
Make sure you also check the following blog posts (in English) related to the presentation:
Data binding in Windows 8.1 Apps with Knockout
Data binding in Windows 8.1 Apps with WinJS
Windows 8 Apps with HTML and Javascript successful workflow
WinJS ListView - The most important features and how to use them
Implementing a JSON REST service with ASP.NET MVC
An introduction to creating scalable Single Page Applications with Knockoutjs and SASS
(Windows8) WinJS single page navigation and ViewModels
(Windows8) WinJS Basic Javascript Objects and the ViewModel pattern
See you all next year!!
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