Φεβρουάριος 2010 - Δημοσιεύσεις

New MemberLevel Security module
16 Φεβρουαρίου 10 11:22 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
eXpand has a new module that make its easy to protect selected members from selected object instances. It does the above by checking if in the current system has been granted a eXpand.ExpressApp.MemberLevelSecurity.Win.Security.ProtectRowMemberPermission with an allow Modifier. Then it will allow you to protect selected members of an object as shown in the image above I have protected (minus sign) boths phones but not the fax (plus sign). So a user that do not have permission will see or for listviews There is also a non object instance depented permission for use as suggested by K18110 So when you create a new role you have to add the following permision by default role.AddPermission( new MemberAccessPermission ( typeof ( object ), null , MemberOperation .Read,

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Exception handling module
11 Φεβρουαρίου 10 12:32 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
eXpand has some time now an Exception Handling module that has not being introduced at all To install it ExceptionHandling.dll and ExceptionHandling.Win.dll or ExceptionHandling.Web.dll have to be added to your RequiredModuleTypes collection. For logging exceptions handling I am using Microsoft Enterprise Library   Logging Application Block . I m a huge fun of how well MSEL library is designed and browsing their source code is a best resource to learn. Visual Studio eXpand Project Item template has been updated with configuration files containing all sections required by MSEL MSEL has a configuration tool that helps you manage the configuration files and it is included at _third_party_assemblies eXpand folder along with other require MSEL assemblies. I have

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Developing data analysis objects with the help of IO module
08 Φεβρουαρίου 10 10:12 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
After creating PivotingChart Module I was able to really control the fluent DevExpress Pivot grid options at runtime and design more complex analysis pivoting UI writing no code and save all that “configuration” at the same database record as the analysis object. But I was still developing inside my VS and since my model was not stable yet I continuous drop the database using the DxCore addin to drop database at design time which by the way have been updated to support multiple datastores and damn I lose the designed analysis UI cause it was stored in the database Time for some IO module use I could export my analysis objects and use the following code to load the configured objects at application start up from an embedded resource public class Updater : ModuleUpdater

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Multiple datastores support
03 Φεβρουαρίου 10 12:41 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
  THE PROBLEM WorldCreator creates dynamic types for used within Xaf. It is doing that by compiling code templates at WorldCreator module setup method. To find those templates it has to query a persistent datastore using XPO. Now when you create a new XPO session it will check if all object types that XPObjectType table contains if are valid. So if you have used customizedtypesinfo to create runtime associations since it is called after module setup it will throw an exception complaining for invalid tables. Saying the above you understand that there is no way to open a connection to an XPO database that has records for objects with associations that have not fully defined. THE SOLUTION [ AttributeUsage ( AttributeTargets .Assembly,AllowMultiple = true )]

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New Pivoting module
01 Φεβρουαρίου 10 12:23 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
eXpand says hi to its new Pivoting module. Show In Analysis action similar to show in reports (see also Devexpress example ) All Pivot control settings can be controled at runtime using the Pivot Settings action see for example the Pivot Options View settings view ModelArtifacteState module has been used to create a Show In Analysis , Pivot Settings   Permissions that can be applied to the Roles you want . [ NonPersistent ] public class ShowInAnalysisPermission : ControllerStateRulePermission {     public override string ControllerType {         get { return typeof ( ShowInAnalysisViewController ).FullName; }         set { base .ControllerType = value ; }    

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