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Calculated properties at runtime—TIMES 4
28 Σεπτεμβρίου 10 11:12 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
In this post you are going to see how you can use on more of eXpand powerfull features. 4 different ways for creating calculated runtime properties are avaliable. XPO way –>Using Code Take a note at the CreateCalculabeMember extension method at the code bellow     public class CreateRuntimeCalculatedFieldController : ViewController {         public override void CustomizeTypesInfo ( DevExpress . ExpressApp . DC . ITypesInfo typesInfo) {             base . CustomizeTypesInfo (typesInfo);             var classInfo = XafTypesInfo . XpoTypeInfoSource . XPDictionary . GetClassInfo ( typeof ( Customer ));

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ERP to XAF connection on the fly part1
08 Σεπτεμβρίου 10 08:57 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Some years ago (before Xaf was born) you have bought an ERP for your company and you are not satisfied with its Analysis,Reporting,PIvoting,Sceduling etv capabilities and you wish the creator of your ERP to have use Xaf instead. If you are looking for the most painful way to map your ERP database into a Xaf application expand framework has the solution for you its called WorldCreator SqlDBMapper module. That module can map any Sql server database into a Xaf application. Bellow I demo how you can use it. Create an empty eXpand solution or use an existing one and navigate to the persistent assembly listview create a new persistent assembly info object, for the sake of the demo i will map NorthWind database, Use the Tools/Map Database action to connect to a database

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Multiple datastores support
03 Φεβρουαρίου 10 12:41 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
  THE PROBLEM WorldCreator creates dynamic types for used within Xaf. It is doing that by compiling code templates at WorldCreator module setup method. To find those templates it has to query a persistent datastore using XPO. Now when you create a new XPO session it will check if all object types that XPObjectType table contains if are valid. So if you have used customizedtypesinfo to create runtime associations since it is called after module setup it will throw an exception complaining for invalid tables. Saying the above you understand that there is no way to open a connection to an XPO database that has records for objects with associations that have not fully defined. THE SOLUTION [ AttributeUsage ( AttributeTargets .Assembly,AllowMultiple = true )]

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WorldCreator2 source code is out and stable
11 Ιανουαρίου 10 12:17 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
  I have never really release a stable version through this blog of the module that allows you to create dynamic types through templating and scripting, so I am doing it now that the code is stable enough. To get the code read http://apobekiaris.blogspot.com/2009/10/how-to-get-expand-latest-version.html New Features eXpand Application Solution project item template John Pouliezos created a better design experience for all eXpand users by adding a New Project Item template. Using the above template you do not have to worry any more about setting up assembly references or registering modules/ persistent classes To install the template run the vs_setup.cmd batch file located at the root of eXpand folder after running buildall.cmd. You may want to uncomment

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Sneak Peak-->WorldCreator2 with Scripting and Templating
08 Δεκεμβρίου 09 01:43 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Based on the specs i posted here , I have created a working prototype In the video bellow I demo how you can model a classic Customer-Orders relationship at runtime modify the template of Orders property to create also a new custom readonly property that will return the first object of Orders if found. (same way you could create any teamplate e.g calculated proiperty template) You can reply in this post or through DeveXpress forums if you want to help in adding more specs and make WorldCreator a better module Technorati Tags: WorldCreator , dynamic Types , Scripting , CodeDom , Templating

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BDD for Dynamic Types with mspec
19 Νοεμβρίου 09 03:43 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
This one will be my 2nd post about mspec. The first on can be found here . I am still newbie in Mspec crazy syntax!! but have done a lot of TDD (after all BDD is TDD) , so my 1st effort of using mspec to describe all specifications (=expression of behaviors) for dynamic types module, along with some refactoring produced the following output ------ Test started: Assembly: eXpand.Tests.dll ------ ModuleCreator, When Creating Dynamic Module » should return a list of module base descenants Existe ntTypesMemberCreator, When Creating ExistentTypes CoreMembers that exist already » should not throw any exceptions ExistentTypesMemberCreator, When Creating ExistentTypes CoreMembers » should find that member through xpdictionary » should create typedattributes ExistentTypesMemberCreator,

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Dynamic Types and Interfaces
10 Νοεμβρίου 09 02:03 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Its now possible to implement existent interfaces for your dynamic types . How? Setup your InterfaceSources at your model Populate them through InterfaceInfo Listview and make your dynamic classes to implement them Technorati Tags: WorldCreator , Dynamic Types , Interfaces

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Dynamic Type Merging
03 Νοεμβρίου 09 11:20 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
I hope you all vote on DeveExrpess Issue that will allow us to validate runtime extended existent types. But even if you did not there is an alternative way that my friend Emilio shared with us. I want to add runtime members for my existent Customer class for which records already exist in the DB and also use the validation system You can create a new dynamic type that inherit your customer class decorate it with the MapInheritance attribute and set the MergedObjectType same as BaseType Download working sample app with source code here Technorati Tags: WorldCreator , Dynamic Types , Merging

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Dynamic Types with WorldCreator source code is out
02 Νοεμβρίου 09 03:50 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
WorldCreator is a xaf module that provide dynamic persistent types for your application and runtime members for your existing classes. That means that you can define dynamic types at runtime through a UI (xaf views) save them in the database and let your imagination free !!! Installation Very simple you just register the selected assemblies bellow   and add the required classes you want from .Persistent.BaseImpl At my previous post IOC by BaseImpl I have explain the use of DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl assembly so in the same concept eXpand now has its own eXpand.Persistent.BaseImpl that will host a default implementation of persistent interfaces used from eXpand As you can see at the above image there are to types of prefixes on those classes Persistent—>

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Yes Xaf can do it before lunch!!!
21 Οκτωβρίου 09 04:18 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Maybe not with the build in modules and not exactly before lunch but the difference between traditional programming and Xafing is really great. I am going to continue my posts on WorldCreator module and going to inform you about the progress up to here. New persistent objects have been designed and added to eXpand .BaseImpl assembly in order module consumers to be able to change that implementation The code that creates the Dynamic types and synchronies Xpo dictionary and model dictionary  at application startup is there as well Sample application installation created and can be download, so I can get some feedback on it from anyone will play with it Not Implemented Create Dynamic types without restarting the application Not tested for web  Cannot create

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Sneak Peek: Dynamic Types with World Creator module
15 Οκτωβρίου 09 08:08 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Dynamic Types is one of the most wanted feature in any framework. Luckily me I met Emilio DabDoub of Signia software and one of the Coordinators of XERP project and he hire me to port an old code that he had that could provide that feature and much more into xaf . Also he agreed to publish that module into eXpand . Technorati Tags: WorldCreator , eXpand

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