Μάιος 2012 - Δημοσιεύσεις

April news
22 Μαΐου 12 05:38 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   

April was devoted to improving our continuous integration process. I am happy to announce that eXpand now has a dedicated build server. Many of you already notice its availability in our main download page, the rest are welcome to explore it and get access to all our builds and tests! Teamcity is a great integration platform and for sure will make our dev life easier. Please do not forget to say a big thanks to Dima Janzen since he is our CI guru!



Latest Collaborations

  1. Import wizard
    It is now fully localized! (Big thanks one more time to Martynas Dauciunas)
  2. Master Detail
    Controls Disappearing (see http://goo.gl/M9s2g)
  3. Modifications in logic module
    To avoid exceptions when view is dashboard (see http://goo.gl/dL8kZ)
  4. Modification in core web module
    GridViewOptionsModelSynchroniz​er incorrectly clears the grid's StatusBar template (see http://goo.gl/eev8H)

As always big thanks for raising your questions and reporting bugs!

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