Σεπτέμβριος 2009 - Δημοσιεύσεις

BDD in a few hours
27 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 01:04 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
What is all that fuzz about BDD? BDD stands for behavior driver design and its about learning to pass the knowledge that you have as a developer to your clients cause as everyone can understand that there is no value if you and your application can do amazing things if your clients have no idea on it. I am not going to tell you more on that but I am going to provide a series of link of people that speak on both subjects 1st of all you should listen to this great podcast that will explain to you the differences of BDD with TDD and why you should follow that process Scott Bellware on BDD and Lean Development Smart and experienced guys in the above podbast eh ? ok after watching the above I am pretty sure that you are convinced that this is the way. Basically it

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Xaf Tip # 7 Dangerous Switch
24 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 03:09 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
My good friend Martin Praxmarer while we are working on some cool feature for the new ModelDifference eXpand module pointed out the existence of an evil switch Suppose your team is responsible for creating a module with some kind of Permission so when the system is granted that permission a block of code will be executed, something like if (SecuritySystem.IsGranted( new MyPermission())){     //do something } and then you pass your module to another team or another consumer and he decides to use the “EVIL ONE” property that is exposed by DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.SecurityBase class is name IsGrantedForNonExistentPermission and can be changed easily as shown in the next image What it does? As its name states inverse the behavior of the SecuritySystem.IsGranted

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How to zero your application startup time
21 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 11:10 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
For this question don’t we all of us spend a lot of time ? But I think it is allowed to use a trick to spend our selves that time. Add to your model to attributes NotifyIcon, MinimizeOnClose. Since I am using Xaf I am going to present that with it but the code should be very similar to any other windows application so here are our attributes NotifyIcon: will add a tray icon for your app at the system tray with a context menu that will allow you to terminate your application and display it when you double click the icon public   partial   class NotifyIconController : WindowController {     public   const   string NotifyIconAttributeName = "NotifyIcon" ;     public NotifyIconController()    

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Xaf tip # 6 Linq your Session queries
17 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 04:07 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Pretty silent these days eh? I am working on a big refactoring on DictionaryDifference and have not much time to blog. But have another tip for my Xaf Tips series today maybe not strictly Xaf but is an XPO tip that you can use with your Xaf applications . The Problem Suppose your are a strongly typed fun like me or you want to use linq to query objects inside a transaction. In order linq to be used with XPO DevExpress provides XPQuery<T> class but unfortunately this do not support transactions. So the following test fails var work = new UnitOfWork(); new User(work){UserName = "Sam" }; User firstOrDefault = new XPQuery<User>(work).Where(user => user.UserName == "Sam" ).FirstOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(firstOrDefault); The solution

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I now am a DX-Squad member
12 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 01:49 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Great Saturday today cause I just received my DX-Squad membership today :) and I am very happy. I wanted to say a big thanks and that i am honored by that invitation. DX-Squad is a similar program than Microsoft MVP. If you want also to be a member read more about it here

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Xaf tip #5 Running Controllers everywhere
08 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 01:12 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
I recently being asked a lot about a way of making Xaf front end (that is your Solution.Win,Solution.Web) able to host controllers. To many of them i answered that is not possible cause of the Xaf architecture but haven’t thought of it, It was a rushed answer. Anyway i do not have to make a lot of thoughts on it since my friend Panagiotis Kefalidis share that trick with us. First lets give an example of why you want to run controller in your front end. Many security systems need to have access to your executable and through it to your main form. For Xaf the only way to get access to your form is through a controller. So the trick is to fool Xaf front end to make it behave like a module. Modules are capable to run controllers. And how you can do that? It is really

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ModelArtifactState Xaf Power to the people
02 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 11:34 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Yesterday i was speaking with my friend John Pouliezos and he asked me how to the implement the following  scenario. John has managed to create a SharePoint feature and now he can have Xaf views as SharePoint lists. Cool eh? What he wanted is the following: for specific User roles to be able to filter a specific web listview by parsing the current browser url. Step1 : for specific User roles to be able to filter a specific web Aha sounds like ModelArtifactState’s job a lot. Cause that module is able to enable or disable behaviours /controllers (doing something) using permissions or the model. We are going to use permissions for this one So no code is needed for step1 ModelAsrtifactState module is going to help us. Step 2 : John explain to me the urls are

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eXpand is out
01 Σεπτεμβρίου 09 06:21 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
Latest version of eXpand is out and recompiled with Xaf 9.2.4 version New Module Additions AdditionalViewControlsProvider Validation ModelArtifactState WizardUI see ( Bend Xaf Applications with Model Artifact State Module ) Fixes enhancements via Google issues here Get latest version of expand here http://code.google.com/p/expandframework/ Technorati Tags: Xaf , eXpand , Release

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