Μάιος 2010 - Δημοσιεύσεις

Xaf Focus utilities
19 Μαΐου 10 03:55 μμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
I have implement a FocusShortcut attribute at eXpand so one can associate a keyboard shortcut with the control that wants to get the focus when it is detected Also when a text editor gets focused, one can control the position of the cursor by setting the CursorPosition attribute, thus maximizing speed input in certain cases

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DSL language for maximizing speed input
11 Μαΐου 10 10:16 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
I recently had the following case . I was given the domain model bellow and was asked to provide a solution so a user could add schedules of the form Thu-Wen 14.15 / 16.45, Thu & Mon-Wen 22.15 /00.45, Sat,Sun 12.15 3D translated into with the maximum input speed. Xaf by its self is going to create for us a view like the one bellow for allowing us to make such an input from one view but of course that view is out of the question ( too many keyboard strokes and clicks) What we need is to define a D omain S pecific L anguage (just the definition of our problem will do it :)) for our problem lets do it. I am creating schedules. So the user  input schedules will be of the form Thu-Wen 14.15 / 16.45, Thu & Mon-Wen 22.15 /00.45, Sat,Sun 12.15 3D translated

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SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM
05 Μαΐου 10 09:56 πμ | tolisss | 0 σχόλια   
When you try assign a only time to a datetime and save it you are going to get an an exception like the one in the subject. i have added to eXpand an SqlDateTimeOverFlowValueConverter to help you deal with that public class SqlDateTimeOverFlowValueConverter : ValueConverter {     public override Type StorageType {         get { return typeof ( DateTime ); }     }       public override object ConvertToStorageType( object value) {         if (value!= null ) {             var dateTime = new DateTime (1753, 1, 1);             if (dateTime>(

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