The ModelArtifactState Module

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 22 Μαρτίου 10 11:23 πμ | tolisss 
This one is the most complex implementation of the logic architecture cause this module is really a facade module. ActionState and ControllerState modules are hosted within it. But the implementation for each one of them as you see in the image bellow really looks alike   In order to control the different in model schema than the one that is provided bu defaul I have override the require methods of ControllerStateModule public class ControllerStateModule : ConditionalLogicRuleProviderModuleBase <TArtifactStateRule> where TArtifactStateRule : IConditionalLogicRule {         public override string LogicRulesNodeAttributeName {             get { return ControllerStateRulesNodeWrapper

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