Custom pivot sorting

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 25 Αυγούστου 10 01:07 μμ | tolisss 
I will start this blog with an embrace to the genius architecture of DevExpress Xaf framework. As the time passes by and you get more experienced in using it you will soon realize that it has teach you to write so declarative code that almost 95% of it is reusable and should go to your base libraries or else to eXpand !! So the new addition to eXpand has to do with custom pivot sorting . Say that for a domain model similar to you have design an analysis object using your win UI like as you can see Xaf by default is going to sort your products by using the default property of the Product persistent object with is name . But your client asked you to sort by the Sort property of Product which values can be controlled by him through the UI. For that reason you could

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