Evangelizing XAF,XPO and leading eXpand framework

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 04 Απριλίου 11 01:01 μμ | tolisss 

I am very very happy to announce that I have joined DevExpress as technical evangelist for the Frameworks Team. I believe that it’s not a coincidence that my first name “Apostolos” has a very similar meaning to Evangelist!

I promise to myself and to all of you very exciting times to come  I will do my best to honor this great opportunity and evangelize XAF through out the universe, because its the greatest framework I ever came across.

I am completely overwhelmed and let this movie clip be an expression of my feelings.

My new responsibilities will include posting to XAF and XPO blogs and publish videos for DevExpress TV. I will be than more happy to discuss any problems, questions, and ideas you have and these can easily end up as blog posts or webcasts. I will also be attending lots of meetings around the world so I hope I am able to shake hands with many of you and soon enough.

You can also be sure that I will continue to lead and support eXpand Framework and this blog will remain devoted to it.

I am already in LA to catch up with The Team,and would be absolutely delighted to have a beer or two with anybody who is around. I am can now be reached at [email protected]

And for those of you that wanted to see a picture of the headquarters. here is a nice one



Happy DXing to all of you!


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