Schduler Reminders

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 22 Οκτωβρίου 13 06:58 πμ | tolisss 

I am happy to announce one more contribution from the known to you Stephen Manderson the creator of Dashboard module and not only!


The reminders can be found in eXpand Scheduler module in version and currently is available only for the windows platform (Stephen is working on the Web version as well!). So you only need to drag & drop the XpandSchedulerWindowsFormsModule into the module designer.



To enable reminders decorate a business object that implements IEVent with the Xpand.ExpressApp.Scheduler.Reminders.SupportsReminderAttribute. For example in the snippet we enable reminders for the TestEvent and only when the criteria match.

[SupportsReminder(Criteria = "Customer is not null")]

public class TestEvent : Event {

    public TestEvent(Session session) : base(session) {



    // Fields...

    Customer _customer;



    public Customer Customer {

        get { return _customer; }

        set { SetPropertyValue("Customer", ref _customer, value); }



The SupportsReminderAttribute will extend your Application Model with an extra member.


It is also possible to use directly the model to create this extra member.


The end user to enable reminder for the TestEvent he has to check the enable reminder and setup an interval as shown below.


Then he can continue work with his XAF application and when the interval pass a reminder will popup!


You can test this functionality using the SchedulerTester solution found with eXpand sources unders Demos/Modules/Scheduler folder!

Thanks again to Stephen for this one and we all wait for the web version!

As always feel free to post your feedback question at eXpand forums.

Happy XAF’ing to all!

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