State machine enhancements

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 30 Νοεμβρίου 13 03:15 μμ | tolisss 

Yesterday, I had a few interesting suggestions from an eXpandFramework user (Sheldmandu), about a few real world State Machine enhasements. Since XAF makes development amazingly fast, today we can discuss a bit about the implementaion released with (v13.1.8.22).

The full discussion can be found at this thread.

In sort Sheldmandu suggested.

  1. Allow certain roles to bypass State machine transition validation and make transitions without any restriction in order to correct mistakes.

    This implemented by adding an extra tab in the State Machine detailview so the end user can associate it with the admin roles as illustrated in the next image.

  2. Support more efficient transitions by changing directly the property value without the need of executing the ChangeStateAction

    For this a new property “EnableFilteredProperty” introduced in the State Machine attribute to make the life of our real worlds easier.


Most useful suggestions Sheldmandu! Many thanks form all and keep them coming.
We also looking forward for such great suggestions from the rest of the XAF world Smile.

Until next time,

Happy XAF’ing!

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