Απρίλιος 2019 - Δημοσιεύσεις

HowTo: Use latest C# features in MVC5 Razor views (.cshtml)
16 Απριλίου 19 03:53 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
Having recently updated an ASP.net MVC web app from MVC4 to MVC5 and from .NET 4.5 to .NET 4.7.2 I was expecting Razor views (.cshtml files) to use the latest C# compiler, especially since at Properties/Build/Advanced option for the web project one read “C# latest major version (default)”. However that was not the case and […]
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Fix: Word print view showing no margins and pages appear collated
05 Απριλίου 19 11:46 πμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
I’m often asked by friends and family to assist them on frustrating technical issues they can’t resolve by themselves. Thanks to remote access / support software like TeamViewer, this is a piece of cake nowadays. The solution to such problems isn’t always straightforward though. Just came across a Microsoft Word installation where suddenly the Print […]
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Fix: “The Global element ‘xx’ has already been declared” warnings in config files after .NET framework upgrade in Visual Studio solution
04 Απριλίου 19 05:09 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
Had just converted to target .NET framework 4.7.2 a Visual Studio solution full of 4.5 libraries, console apps and an MVC 5.0 (recently converted from 4.0) web app and all seemed to build fine, but then noticed that with web.config of the MVC web app open in the editor, it was showing lots of warnings […]
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