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HowTo: round a number up to N decimal digits in Javascript
17 Ιουνίου 19 05:21 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
Was just trying to round-off some Google Maps coordinates for display in Javascript up to 3 decimal digits and that was a bit like a blast from the past (the end of the ‘90s to be more accurate)… So here’s my contributed answer at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2221167/javascript-formatting-a-rounded-number-to-n-decimals This works for rounding to N digits (if you just […]
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HowTo: remove Javascript imports from OpenLayers map examples
11 Ιουνίου 19 09:31 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
OpenLayers is a fine alternative to the map visualization part of Google Maps Platform, however many of its examples sometimes use features from future and server-side Javascript versions, like “imports”. Based on lou’s answer at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51093964/why-examples-dont-work-a-struggle-with-imports/56549364, here’s a fix I just did to make the Marker animation example work when you just copy-paste the example […]
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OpenStreetMaps as an alternative to Google Maps in Joomla!
26 Οκτωβρίου 18 11:31 πμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
If you use Joomla! (CMS / Content Management System), you could switch to the free OpenStreetMaps instead of the recently-turned-much-more-expensive Google Maps, thanks to the OSModul extension for Joomla!: https://extensions.joomla.org/profile/extension/maps-a-weather/maps-a-locations/osmodul/ At the bottom of this page there is an example that uses a pin icon similar to how a location would appear in Google Maps. […]
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Fix: Windows Phone update error 80072f8f
28 Δεκεμβρίου 15 06:34 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
I was setting up a new Lumia phone (with Windows Phone 8.1) and neither phone update, nor the (Here) maps downloads were working. When trying Settings / Phone Update, it was showing error 80072f8f and was pointing to http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/how-to/wp8/basics/solutions-to-update-issues to read more info. However that error code wasn’t listed there. Wonder if there is any […]
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Bug: Google Maps rendering exotic place names onto Patras, Greece
23 Νοεμβρίου 10 02:47 πμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος | 0 σχόλια   
Seems that day (8 Aug 2010), Google Maps system had been drinking or something, else I can’t explain how “Cara Oasis” and other exotic place names (in Arabic script?) were rendered onto a map for the outskirts of Patras, Greece.

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