C# Using Alias Directive, Namespace Alias Qualifier and a sad story

Έχουν δημοσιευτεί 04 Ιουλίου 12 10:45 μμ | Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος 
Following up on my last post: http://zoomicon.wordpress.com/2012/07/04/how-to-compile-code-that-uses-wpf-decorator-type-in-silverlight/ I’m copying from a mental note I added to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4936941/using-a-using-alias-class-with-generic-types/11334359: As shown at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sf0df423.aspx and http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c3ay4x3d%28VS.80%29.aspx you can do: using gen = System.Collections.Generic; using GenList = System.Collections.Generic.List<int>; and then use gen::List<int> x = new gen::List<int>; or GenList x = new GenList(); However: you have to replicate those using [...]
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About Μπιρμπίλης Γεώργιος

Microsoft MVP J# 2004-2010 Borland Spirit of Delphi 2001 http://zoomicon.com



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